Chapter 20

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New pulls his gloves off finger by finger as he lets out a shaky breath.

"Did I mention I hate the cold?" New says, proceeding to turn on the faucet in his bathroom so the hot water will pour out.

Off giggles from behind him as he watches New try to defrost his cold hands. "How could anybody hate it? It's probably the only time of the year where everybody's nice to each other just for the heck of it."

New looks in the mirror and catches Off's eye, giving him a grin. "If by 'nice to each other' you mean Alice throwing a fit because mom didn't get her that new phone she expected, then yeah."

Off sets one hand on New's shoulder, swaying him a bit and causing him to laugh. "Alice's a special case."

New sighs. "And now I'm freezing my ass off because the heat in my car stopped working mid-drive. How lovely is the January?"

"Very lovely," Off laughs, coming up closer behind him and wrapping his arms around his chest. He speaks softly into his ear as he locks eyes with him in the mirror. "Mr. Grinch."

New tries to elbow Off from where he's standing, but Off is unaffected as he brings himself closer, all of his hearty chuckles tickling New's neck. "Hey! I am not green."

Off smirks at him. "Yeah, you're not. You're red, actually."

It's then that New realizes that he's blushing, because he'd been so focused on Off's reflection in the mirror that he hadn't taken the time to worry about his own. He grins down at the counter as he caresses one of his cheeks in his hand, trying to will away their rosy color.

"I'll make you red," New teases softly, pushing back against Off in order to bring them closer. He hears the slight hitch in Off's breath once his ass makes tight contact with the front of Off's joggers.

He has no idea why they beat around the bush like this all the time---they both know exactly where this is headed. New can't pretend to be oblivious anymore because even he knows what he's doing.

"Really?" Off practically breathes into his ear. New looks back up in order to catch Off's eye in the mirror again, and he watches as the boy's hand wanders down the length of his shirt to caress his waist. "And how will you do that?"

New taps his knuckles against the bathroom counter and shrugs, before pushing back against Off even more, arching his back a little. Off grips him firmer, now hugging the boy's body tight to his. "I dunno. You tell me."

He watches Off's reflection as his teeth nearly bruise his bottom lip from how hard he's biting down.

New rolls his hips back again once he feels Off twitch under his pants. "Getting a little excited there?"

Off tilts his head, and New's eyes flutter shut when he feels Off's teeth lightly grip the skin of his earlobe, right before grazing his tongue over the area. "Can you not feel it? Let me help you then." New gasps when Off suddenly jerks him closer, his boner now pressing right against New's ass, causing his own pants to start to tent as well.

New quickly turns around in his arms, buries his hand in Off's hair and brings him in until their lips meet, even though their tongues end up meeting somewhere in the middle. A faint whine comes out from between New's lips as he kisses him, and he feels Off's hand at the front of his jeans.

It astounds New when he thinks about how long he'd gone without even thinking about this sort of thing with Off. Not once before they kissed in his car had it ever crossed his mind, because he'd always thought of Off as one of his closest, purest friends. Never did he think he would go completely wild with want for this boy, resulting in impatient, grabby hands and heavy, erratic pants. He knows he's overwhelmingly addicted to this because he hasn't had this rush of wanting someone so bad that he couldn't wait in a while. It had happened at first with Tay, when they first started exploring each other and realizing they wanted more than to just kiss, but it turned into slow, sensual kisses that were filled with love rather than impatience. Now, as Off works on the zipper of New's pants, and they're kissing so hard New is worried he might faint from not getting a second to breathe, he knows whatever they're sharing is more on the restless, excited side.

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