Chapter 14

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Zoro was mumbling about stupid monkeys.

Luffy and his brother's were laughing and the others were confused.

The next memory started to play.

Luffy was humming a lullaby to himself when he noticed Zoro walking up behind him.

Luffy turned around and said "Hey Zoro!"

Zoro looked at him and said "Hi..?"

Luffy smiled and looked up at him.

Zoro slowly smiled back.

Luffy asked "Zoro do you want to join me?"

Zoro saw Luffy was playing tic-tac-toe and nodded.

Luffy was beaming.

Zoro sat down in front of Luffy and started to play with him and Luffy's brothers watched with smiles on their faces.

Christian giggled and said "Ooh~ Lulu's got a boyfriend~!"

Shanks looked up at him with wide eyes "Not before me!"

The others looked at Shanks who asked "What?" "Little brother you're gay?"

Shanks nodded with red cheeks before realizing something "All of us are gay!"

Ace giggled and nodded "Hell yeah! Gays for the win bitch!" He yelled.

Sabo chuckled at him.

Smoker/Oliver was smiling.

Buggy was chanting "Gays! Gays! Gays!" Over and over again.

Christopher and Christian were both cheering about being a happy gay family.

Luffy and Zoro looked at them like they were crazy and looked at eachother before laughing and giggling.

As the memory finished some people looked disgusted and some looked happy and laughed along with the brothers and Zoro.

(Sorry this took so long but like I said in other stories problems and problems and even more problems I hope you enjoy this bye!)

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