Chapter 3: Midgard and Advancements?

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While the citizens looked on in shock the Einherjar came for Thor, him easily pushing them away.

"You know that nothing will stop Mjolnir as it returns to my hand. Not even your face."

Odin seemed very distressed, but who wouldn't be with the unstoppable hammer, besides the few that were worthy, you included but that's a tale for another time, coming for their face, "You've gone quite mad! You'll be executed for this!"

Thor smirked, the acting was quite believable to anyone but the two of you, "Then I'll see you on the other side, brother."

As Loki dropped his illusion, a shimmer of green overtaking him, he yelled, "Alright! I yield!"

Thor pushed the greasy god away before catching his hammer, as Skurge appeared at the scene. Loki began to yell at him, as the crowd and Thor got gradually angrier, Thor advancing towards Loki as he backed up to the seat you were sitting on.

The whole scene was just too much for you to handle as you broke down laughing, gripping at your stomach as cramps began to appear from laughing too hard. 

Loki turned to glare at you, as Thor questioned him on the whereabouts of Odin, "Where's father? Did you kill him?"

Loki quickly tried to defend himself, although you both knew there was no calming down an angry Thor from years of experience, "You had what you wanted, you had the independence you asked for, Y/N even came with you!"

Thor pressed the hammer into Loki's chest as fear passed through the trickster's eyes, he knew what the hammer felt like, "Ow! Ow! Alright! I know exactly where he is!"

Once Thor was pleased with his answer he took the hammer off, but not before roughly grabbing Loki's arm and gripping him tightly. A flash of information seemed to come to him as he turned angrily to you, "You knew about this! You just let him do this! You're the oldest! You know better than anyone not to let him do this!"

"Why I am the goddess of mistrust and darkness, Thor!" Backing away from the god, you reached the edge of the building, panic went through your chest as you realized the sudden situation, either jump or face the god of thunder. Jumping it is. Leaning as far back as you could, you jumped back over the edge, enjoying the panic on both of your brothers' faces and the rush of the wind before you caught yourself in a fluffy black cloud. 

Waving goodbye to the two you walked off to enjoy Asgard for a few hours, knowing that the two would wait for you.


The streets of Asgard were littered with people. Merchants offered free good after good, being a princess, warrior, and member of the royal family had its perks. After sometime the guilt hit you, I should probably go back for them, no doubt they wish to fetch Odin.

Weaving through the stalls and streets you reached the golden palace and made your way to the throne room, where angry voices came audibly through the thin walls,

"Miss me?" You asked as you popped into the room to greet the greasy god and the blonde one. 

"Sister, I missed you," Loki came forward to hug you, holding you tightly. No doubt it's been hard for him without Mother and I.

"And I missed you Lokes," you leaned back into the hug before letting go and following Thor and him to the Bifrost.


A nursing home sign stood in front of you, the wall it was on crumbling as it was demolished with the rest of the building. You honestly couldn't care what happened to Odin, the man was a dick to you, Loki, and your lover in the past.

As Loki and Thor once again argued, surprise surprise right there, a group of college girls made their way over smiling widely at Thor and yourself. No doubt they were fans, it's not every day you see the two alien Avengers wandering the streets of New York.

"Hi. Would you mind taking a picture with us?" One of the girls asked. The other seemed to be eyeing you up and down. Distaste filled your mouth, this always happened on Midgard. Damn Stark, ever since I've revealed my sexuality this always happened. These mortals are far too young and my heart is still committed.

"Sure," Thor told the girl that asked as the other moved next to you in the picture, "Start figuring out where he is."

After the picture was over the girls mentioned Jane, before the one eyeing you previously turned to you, "Can I get your number?" 

"No," you told her as she walked away disappointedly, she likely only wanted a courtship for the fame.

Looking to Loki, trying to distract yourself, you noticed sparks began to form below his feet before he fell through a portal. That was oddly familiar.

Thor picked up a piece of paper left in your brother's place, reading it aloud, "177a Bleecker Street."


"Follow me, Thor. There's a certain sorcerer who I am betting isn't too pleased to find out that we brought Loki here."

Leading him through the streets of New York you eventually found yourself at the foot of the building, which you knew very well from experience. Knocking once then twice at the Sanctum Sanctorum's door a whoosh suddenly let you into the building.

"Thor Odinson," a familiar baritone voice called out as a levitating shape, outlined with a cloak, moved to the two of you. "Oh. And Y/N. Hi."

AN: Entered my Moriarty phase fr fr. And yes guess who I'm dating in this fic <3

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