Chapter 2: The Trickster

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Seeing Thor about to take off into the sky and not wanting to be left behind when the Bifrost does open, and also not be eaten by a fire dragon on Muspelheim of all places seriously any other realm is better, you sprint as fast as possible to grab onto the god. 

Flying with the god of thunder is not a very fun experience, especially when he crashes a lot. More than a lot actually, the man always had a landing problem when he was younger and just never seemed to outgrow it. 

Breaking out from underground, the two of you crashed onto the surface of the firey realm. Thor frantically patting out his cloak as you desperately tried not to laugh, only to realize that yours was on fire as well. 

"Heimdall, come on," Thor held out Mjolnir to the side once again before giving up, right as the ground shook. 

The fire dragon once again came after you, truthfully it was getting quite old, could the thing just give up already? Thankfully, Thor seemed to have enough as well stuffing his hammer into the creature's mouth, making it unable to move from its spot on the ground. 

"Stay." Both of you looking up to the sky, you start to wonder what Loki did to Heimdall, would you really die thanks to the greasy snake? "I'm running short on..." More fire demons appeared, coming out of the ground like one of those Midgardian zombie horrors. "options."

"HEIMDALL GODDAMNIT OPEN UP THE BIFROST NOW OR I'LL HAVE THE KING EXECUTE YOU!" Screaming at the sky while groaning in frustration. You didn't notice Thor grab Mjolnir and fly towards you to scoop you up like you weighed nothing, although to be fair the man could pick up Loki so you were probably a feather compared to him. "HEIMDALL."

With Thor flying as fast as he could but the dragon and fire demons still coming for you and catching up you thought this was truly the end. I die by doing something stupid, that Thor dragged me into, not really how I thought I'd go, honestly thought it would be Loki. Well this is it I guess, at least I get to be reunited with her.

"Thor," you shouted at him so he could hear over the dragon and demons, "I love you. You were the best brother and friend ever."

Thor looked back at the dragon that was fixing to swallow the two of you whole, "I love you too sister."

Then right at the moment, you were about to be devoured and meet your very 'exciting' death the Bifrost opened. 


Thor and you collapsed on the ground, the buff and heavy god landing on top of your still petrified body. As Thor gently got up and offered a hand to help you, you gladly took it and pulled yourself up, as your body filled with rage. Heimdall and you had been friends for a good while, but who's to say that you can't yell at him occasionally if he was there, norns knew what Loki had done during your adventures.

Unfortunately, the gatekeeper was nowhere to be seen. In his place stood a different man, one you recognized as a colleague of the younger prince, his name was Skirge or something like that. As he and Thor exchanged countless remarks at the other, you thought of ways to torture and kill the younger prince. 

"That traitor. No one knows, he's a fugitive of the throne."

In shock of what you had just heard, you turned towards the man, "A traitor?"

"Odin charged him with negligence of duty, but he disappeared before the trial. Hard to catch a guy who can see everything in the universe."

"Well, I know what greasy snake is getting his ass whooped today." 

Grabbing onto Thor you let him fly the two of you over to the theater. A small crowd made its way through the threshold of the theater, under a monumental statue of no one else but your youngest brother. Drama queen. 

Thor seemed to mirror your emotions, being confused by the new changes to the realm you both called your home. Walking into the theater a play about what happened when facing Malekith, you watched the reenactment of the last moments of the battle of your brother's 'death'. 

Odin, well let's be honest you knew it was Loki, was enjoying the play, sipping wine and staring at the performance, although his egotistical ass had probably seen it over a dozen times by now. He mouthed the last line of Loki with the actor, before watching the end. A woman next to Thor and you started sobbing, stupid people, they can be so dull sometimes. The crowd erupted into applause at the 'life-changing' performance. 

Thor seemed to have an idea of what your brother was doing now, the both of you knew Odin long enough to be sure that this was not him. Thor kneeled on one knee in front of him, "Father."

Seeing the people expecting you to do the same, you offered a simple bow, being old enough to get away with simpler gestures, "Allfather."

"Oh shit," Odin cursed under his breath, loud enough for only you to hear, thanks to your Vanaheim heritage, and causing you to try to hold in a fit of laughter unsuccessfully while he let out a side glare at you. 

Walking over to the couch Odin had previously been rested on you lay down on it, servants offering food and mead to you as you watched the interaction between your two brothers. 

"You're really going to make me do it?" Thor asked with Mjolnir in his hand.

"Do what?" 'Odin' asked as Thor threw Mjolnir off into the distance while grabbing him by the back of the neck.

Things are getting real.

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