Chapter 1: It Just Has to be a Dragon

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Thor had been a good companion for centuries. 

You had watched him be born, held your mother's hand as she birthed him. Of course, she wasn't your true mother, but that did not matter. No matter what her husband had done, you would never look upon her in a different light. You mourned her death more than almost anyone.

You had watched Thor become a warrior, the prince that everyone wanted, that the women fawned over, it was actually quite hilarious. A bit like his sister in her younger days.

You even went with him to Midgard to help when your brother, Loki, decided to attack. You were the first to find out about the true reason for his attack, but he was too self-conscious and scared to tell anyone else. The damaged soul only looked to you, the only member of his family besides his mother that he truly liked and didn't ridicule.

You had joined the Avengers with Thor. Found a new family, and made new friends. Helped to defend Midgard from threats from across the nine realms.

You joined Thor on his adventures. Some of them were pointless, but as long as you could prevent him from going home all would be well. Once he found out what your brother was doing it would not be pleasant for you and Loki. Going with Thor on his adventures is exactly how you ended up in your current situation of being trapped in a cage. Thor had this big quest of getting Sultur's crown and it lead to a very unfortunate result.

"Now I know what you're thinking. Oh no! Thor's in a cage," Thor continued on with his little speech while you uncomfortably shifted in your cage, getting more and more pissed off with your friend.

"Thor! Would you shut the hell up! It's a fucking skeleton, it's dead!" Glaring at the now angry god.

"You just ruin everything fun, don't you. Telling me to stop drinking all that mead at that last tavern. Telling me 'oh no Thor don't get drunk in front of the Avengers, Stark will make fun of you'. Just shut up, you- you- party pooper!"

"You're an idiot sometimes."

Suddenly as the two of you were in an intense stare-off the cage below you dropped. Making you fall to the ground before it harshly caught you. 

"Bloody hell," you grumbled.

"Thor, Son of Odin. Y/N, Daughter of Queen Adela," Surtur greeted the two of you. 

"Actually I go by Daughter of Frigga. She was more of a mother than my biological one. I might have been born a princess of Vanaheim but she didn't treat me like one. You really should keep up on politics," sassing the fire giant as he looked slightly terrified of your tone.

"Surtur. Son of a bitch! You're still alive! I thought my father killed you, like, half a million years ago." 

The two continued to talk back and forth as Thor and you continued to turn in circles, thanks to your chains. You gave up listening at some point, Thor being the idiot that he was sometimes took a while to eventually get the great idea to summon his hammer.

"Wait sorry. I didn't time that right... And now!" Mjolnir came hurtling through the wall and into Thor's hands as he broke out of his chains and you took the moment of confusion to break from yours.

"It should plenty dark enough. Shouldn't it?" you argued with yourself as fire demons surrounded Thor and yourself who were now back to back. Reaching out your hand you summoned a sheet of darkness, destroying some who weren't paying attention, and ran into it. "Fuck yeah! It works!" 

"Sister! Watch your mouth, mother would not approve."

"Shut up Thor while I save your ass." Glaring at the blonde and slightly dumb prince before summoning more sheets as well as spikes of darkness to run into the many fire demons that seemed to attack the two of you in a never-ending stream. Please, please, please let me be able to still do this. 

Eyes turning black, you could feel the power flow in your fingertips, aiming it at the hoard of demons you let the pure darkness pour out knocking down many before Thor slammed Mjolnir onto the ground to knock down the rest.

The ground started to shake as a dragon appeared out of the darkness.

"Are you fucking shitting me!" You yelled at the large beast.


"Don't blame me. Do you not see the gigantic dragon in front of us?"

As soon as you turned around from looking at the gigantic, and simultaneously kinda cool dragon, you were met with a giant wall of fire being blasted your way. Summoning the wall of darkness once again you easily deflected the fire. 

"Hey, Thor! I'm really loving all the help I'm getting! It's totally not like I'm doing all the work!"

"Sorry sister. I am a little preoccupied at the moment."

"Whatever," grumbling you turned to Surtur, you were ready to be done with this hot and sticky realm. "Hey, dickwad! I'm kinda done with all this hotness so why don't you face me and him like a real ruler and not just some coward!"

Instantly you regretted your words because the fire giant was looking at you with 'looks that could kill' as Peter would call it.

Thank the Norns because at that moment Thor decided to be of some help and started to fight the beast. Sitting down you caught your breath for a moment before Thor killed the damn thing and took his crown.  

"Heimdall!" You yelled at the sky. No response. "Thor you try!"

"Heimdall. I know it's been a while but we could use a fast exit!"

What did you do brother mine. Damn Loki, he'll be lucky if I don't kill him when we get back. Foolish rivalry with a gatekeeper.

"Damn it," sighing as a giant wave of fire demons began to overrun the two of you. So this is how I die. At least I'll get to see her. 

Then to make matters even worse, the dragon broke out of it's chains.

AN: Shameless self-promo here, go check out my other books, specifically my Doctor Strange x reader if you're a Marvel nerd like me! This book may not get updates weekly BUT I will try to at least update once a month! This book is more of just for fun since I don't see many Hela readers out there and I am totally in love with her

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