Prologue - Shadowy Death

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Creekfeather threw his claws at a massive tabby tom-cat. "You will never win, Creekfeather!" The tabby yowled, biting his ear and ripping at it. Creekfeather bit down on his neck and the tabby tom let out a yowl that sounded from across the Shadowclan territory. Creekfeather was dragged off the tabby tom and was pinned by a small warrior from Shadowclan. Creekfeather called Redblaze's name and he came racing over, pushing off the she-cat and pinning her, clawing her shoulders and face. Creekfeather jumped up and stomped the tail of the tabby tom-cat. They let out a yowl of pain and Creekfeather jumped on top of them, pinning them. The tabby tom then kicked Creekfeather off and pinned him, biting into his neck the hardest he could. Creekfeather tried to get him off but he was the biggest warrior Creekfeather ever had dealt with. Creekfeather couldn't breath, he tried to gasp for breath but his neck was caught deep in his teeth. Creekfeather soon was able to get the big tabby tom off him by weakening and tricking the opponent. Creekfeather was bleeding badly but he still fought. He raced at the tabby tom and bit his tail, pulling on it and clawing his hind leg. The tabby tom pushed Creekfeather away, but he took the tabby tom's fur with him. But then, the tabby tom pushed him into some rocks that scratches at his short fur and blood dripped from the side of his body. The tabby tom then rammed into him, clawing at this side and biting his tail. Creekfeather yowled and then was now in very bad shape. The tabby tom then smashed his head into the rocks but Creekfeather was still wide awake and alive. Blood dripped from his mouth and scars, some blood came from his nose too. Creekfeather was weak and the tabby tom looked at him with happiness. "We will win this territory back, Sparrowswoop." Creekfeather growled, then falling over. "Ha! You think you're so strong, Creekfeather. We have only begun the fight and look at all your warriors. They are tired and dying and dripping with blood." Sparrowswoop laughed. "So are your warriors. Your warriors are covered in scars and shaken with blood of their enemies." Creekfeather spat, now breathing heavily form blood loss. "You are going to lose, Creekfeather. Give it up and go home." Sparrowswoop snarled, then laughing. Creekfeather couldn't speak anymore. He was took shaken and batted with pain. His blood dripped down and was covered in Sparrowswoop's paws. Creekfeather had closed his eyes, the smile of Sparrowswoop the last thing he seen, and died from how much blood he lost from battling Sparrowswoop.

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