012 - Mother knows best

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A/N: This chapter is shorter than the others only because you choose the ending :)

🤍 (whichever ending you pick are already posted!)🤍

Also this chapter been done for weeks, hehe I just been having no time to do the endings!Also I almost didn't upload this chapter today cause I got so distracted with cookies I baked 🤣

[Name] POV:

The ride was long. I avoid using my magic, I needed to save my energy. So the next best thing was by horse. It was nice though. Having the wind blow through my hair.

I never thought I would be here again...

Houses upon houses stood tall. Beautiful oak trees bloom with flowers of fruits. Adults work day in and day out providing for their families. Well, children would play in the nearby woods.

Or it used to.

Now it's just an abandoned village, covered in cobwebs. And even though the fire was long ago I can still smell the scent it gave off. No amount of ignorant will keep me from forgetting it.

"I'm here."

I stop the horse in front of an all too familiar building.

Our old home.

It brings back so many memories. There are many good ones, but more bad ones. I have to be brave, for Toms. I need to find him.


I stepped into the doorway. The frame of the house survived the fire just barely. A trapped door lay closed. I don't remember that door being here when I was younger.

"Okay. No big deal, [Name]. It's fine. The only thing to worry about is your brother kidnapped your son." I breathe in. "Everything is totally alright."

I pulled the door up.

A Ladder?

Guess it's time to head down... Gripping the ladder with both my hands and made my way down. The room was dark to say the less. A body sat on a chair in the middle of the room. I ran straight for it.


"Tommy! Wake up!"

I shock him back and forth a few times.

"Mum?" His eyes squeeze open. "I— No you lied to me! And now that green son of bitch has me!"


"Shut up! I don't want to hear it." He exclaimed. "I thought you could be trusted."

"Tommy— I-"

"Nice of you to join us."

Both our heads snapped up to my brother's voice.

"Dream why did you do this?!" I immediately screamed. His mask showed no emotion to my question.

"I didn't do anything wrong. You're the one who lied to me." Dream stated. He stepped closer with each word.

"I—I..." He's right...

"You both broke the rules. I'm disappointed. You shouldn't betray your family. I can't trust you anymore."

Dream turned his attention to Tommy. "And Tommy you shouldn't have thought she would care for you. No one cares for you."

Tommy's face paled out. Droplets of water hooked to his eyes as if it was life or death.

"That's not true! I love him dearly!" I shouted, my heart pulsating heavily in my chest. Despite my shouts, Dream did not look at me. Like my voice didn't reach his ears.

"Luckily for the both of you, I'm not a bad guy. I'm willing to forgive you even."

"Starting off with my dear sister. I'll be taking your staff." Dream reached his hand over to me. I jump away from it. Almost knocking into Tommy.

"What? Hell no!" I yelled.

"I'm not asking." He pulled out an axe. Power shined off of it strongly. He's way better at fighting than me. I can't beat him... alone.

I examine Tommy. His cheeks swelled up and he turned away from me. There is no chance of him helping me. My actions betray the trust he placed in me. Going against my better judgment I hand him the staff. He can't use magic, it was useless to anyone but me.

"Thank you for being so understanding, Missy." He brushed his fingers through my hair. I hadn't even noticed I lost my witch hat.

I want to hurt him. But he's my brother. He has been with me most of my life.

Dream goes back to Tommy. He grabbed Tommy's chin. My fingers guide my own chin.

"As for you... Exiled didn't exactly work— Oh! How about prison!"

"What?!" Both me and Tommy yelled.

"I had a buddy of mine make me one. Thought it would be fitting for all the crimes you committed. And don't worry I will visit you every day if you behave. I will be just like exile!"

"Fuck you," Tommy hollered. He kicked his legs around. Which would be useful if he wasn't tied up at the moment.

"I think it time to show you to you're new home, Tommy." Dream said, he pulled on the lead that was tied to Tommy's hands. Tommy stood up and glance over at me.

His ocean blue eyes pleaded for help.

My help.

I have to make a choice...

[❤️ Help Tommy! ❤️]

[💚 Help Dream! 💚]

[💗 Help yourself! 💗]

[Run away 🏃‍♂️]

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