Chapter 4

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By the time that you and Diluc step back inside the mansion, the swarm of celebrities has increased. People are pressed tightly together, chatting and laughing and a few arguing. You can feel Diluc's presence behind you as you push your way through the room.

The two of you huddle in the corner and you rub your eyes, annoyed.

"This is why I hate parties," You groan.

Diluc furrows his brows at you in confusion.

"What did you say?" He yells, "I can't hear you over the music!"

Before you can respond, the people around you suddenly start chattering ecstatically.

"Antoine! Antoine!"

Both you and Diluc make brief eye contact before you raise your chin to try to figure out what is going on. The crowd parts suddenly as if an A-lister has just walked in.

And perhaps one has. Antoine Monet steps into sight in an expensive tuxedo, hair slicked back, and with a huge grin. Somehow, the paparazzi are tailing him.

"Antoine Monet?" Diluc sidles up to you and whispers in your ear. Even he sounds shocked. This man is such a famous singer, he had topped the charts for months with his gorgeous voice and stunning French accent.

Why the hell is he here? In America, nonetheless. Surely he should be in France.. It's rumored that his money was dwindling, even as a rich-

Your thoughts are broken when two things happen at once.

First, Antoine walks right up to you and points with a huge grin. The paparazzi immediately start to flash their cameras directly in your face.

Then, Diluc is loosely grabbing your wrist, trying to pull you away.

"This is my girlfriend! Aren't you so excited I've arrived sweetie?" Antoine somehow has managed to sidle up next to you. The cameras flash again and again.

You can hear the noise all around you, Diluc pulling you, paparazzi asking you questions. Antoine brushes his arm against yours.

"I'm not your fucking-" You begin, but then get pulled sickeningly to your right.

You fall into Diluc's arms and he helps to pull you towards the door.

"I apologize if I grabbed you too hard there. Antoine was leaning forward to kiss you."

You want to be sick.

You don't exactly process what happens next. All you know is that the front doors are pushed open and you rush out with Diluc. You trip multiple times over your heels. The paparazzi are shouting now and you think that one of them tries to grab you.

The party guests all part around you, as if they're afraid. Some try to talk to you.

The open air is a welcome, even if you are running frantically with Diluc only a bit ahead of you.

"Miss Y/N! We have questions!"

You turn around briefly and notice that three paparazzi are tailing you through the front yard of the property. You bend down to slip off your shoes and give them the middle finger. They snap more pictures of you.

Without your shoes, you speed up and catch up to Diluc. The two of you head toward the front gate and dash out of it. A little breath of a laugh leaves you. 

The hard pavement burns under your feet and you can't see far ahead of you in the dark of night.

"Follow me," Diluc calls and makes a sharp left turn. 

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