Wrong Way

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You said that you will be there to care
That you will always be beside me
That you would give me everything you have Even if it takes to climb the highest tree

You said we will be the happiest humans
In our so called little planet
That if I choose you to love
It is the thing I will never regret

But now, what is happening?
We are going to the wrong way
What happened to all the things you said
And things you did to make me stay?

I don't even know you anymore
Tell me what happened to my guy?
I can't believe I am saying this
But, is this really the final goodbye?

All the things we did together
Was it all just a joke to you?
I thought we were fine and going steady
But then you found somebody new

You could have told me right in the face
that you did not want me anymore
You said that you would always catch me
But, instead, I fell on the floor

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