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I don't remember

She shot a cola can lying behind him making him flinch harder.

"Awww baby... are you scared? Don't worry I won't kill you. I'll just make you forget everything you saw, so that your stubborn ass stay quite", she chuckled patting his head like a dog.

"First of all, get your hands off me", he rolled his eyes. "Really?", she smirked caressing his cheek while he looked away. His ears were red telling clearly that he was shy.

"Are you nervous, Mr. Jeon?", she whispered next to his ear. Jungkook felt a shiver ran down his spine. "Free me and I'll show you how to make someone nervous", he smirked at her.

She scoffed and got up, "you are not my type". Jungkook just rolled his eyes.

"Are you criminal??", Jungkook changed the topic. "Nope", she shrugged.

"Then what was all that? How did you get such hightech things? Are you involved with criminals? Who was that guy who was about to shoot you? What did the another doctor gave you in hotel and what did the man just now gave you?", he asked a lot of questions at once making her chuckle.

"It was all something related to my work. These high tech things are given to me by my boss. Yeah I am involved with criminal cases. That guy was a criminal. Vish gave me a pendrive and the man just now gave me a chip", she winked after replying all of his questions.

"So QnA session over! let's calm you down since you got so much information. You won't remember anything, poor boy", y/n spoke and held his hand not speaking anything.

"How?? you can't do this!", he scoffed.

She joined her head to his. Her eyes were closed and so as Jungkook's. He didn't wanted to close his eyes but suddenly he felt something stinging on his neck which made his mind calm. Just then Vish who was hiding all this time came in front and started oscillating her pendulum infront of him.

"Focus Jungkook!!", she spoke gently.
"Your mind is calm, it's relaxing, you didn't saw anything just now, and everything is normal as it was earlier", Vish spoke.

Vish- now you will go back to hospital.
Jungkook- I'll go back to hospital.

Vish- your hyung will ask where were you and you will tell in traffic... where were you?
Jungkook- In Traffic

Vish- he will ask why you didn't pick your phone and you will say that it was on silent.
Vish- why didn't you picked up your phone?
Jungkook- It was on silent.

Vish- what did you saw here tonight?
Jungkook- I don't remeber.

Vish- now you will sit in your car and go straight to the hospital.
Jungkook- I'll go to hospital.

Y/n untied him and he went to his car and drove to hospital.
Y/n and Vish followed him.

He got out of the car. Vish went behind him and snap behind his ear. She whispered, "you are normal now.. go!"
He flinched and now he was acting normal and completely forgot everything he saw today.

He went inside. Jimin asked him exactly same questions expected by Vish and he answered him the answers told by her. Vish and y/n both sighed in relief as their secret is still safe.

Vish- I felt bad for hypnotizing this guy.
Y/n- why??
Vish- I kind of liked his personality. He is bold!
Y/n- do you have crush on him?
Vish- you can say!! I first saw him playing with Jiwoo.
Y/n- ohh

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