The sound of screams from innocent men, women, and children along with the smell of burning flesh was pure hell on Earth. Windows started shattering from the heat of the fires outside as we ran towards to basement. Once the door was shut, we started to feel around the floor for the weapons we kept in case something like this happened. "Oh my God! No, no, no!", screamed Avery.

"Why are screaming, Avery?! We're going to be discovered if you don't shut up!!", I yelled. "The weapons aren't her-", Avery was cut off by the basement door being ripped off. Suddenly, I was pulled yanked out by my hair and thrown to the ground. The last thing heard were May and Avery's voices screaming your name before my vision went blank and I became senseless.

I woke up on a hard, damp, smelly surface. It smelled like a mix of the sea and fish pee. I groaned as I tried to get up but heard a chain moving across the floor as I moved. I was chained to something. 'Great. Just what I needed right after being kidnapped.'

There was a sound of footsteps descending from some stairs I hadn't noticed before now. I turned so I could attempt to see who it was which was a difficult task due to the lack of light source available. "Oh, hello there, love! I'm happy to see my crew didn't rough you up to badly." You recognized that voice. It was one you hadn't heard in years and hoped you'd never hear it again. It was your ex-husband's voice. You two had been married for 2 years and you two had been madly in love.

But it all ended so tragically and it was all because of one incident. One big fight and one "little mistake" broke the entire thing to a-million-and-one pieces.

Arthur and I were having a fight about how dangerous his "job" as a pirate was. He hauled off and slapped you! Obviously, you weren't having any of it, packed your bags, and left. He stalked you for weeks. He said you were "overreacting" and that it was time for you to grow up and quit acting the way you were.

"Why did you kidnap me? And why do you keep harassing me? Never mind any of that! Where are they?"

"What are you on about? If you're talking about those girls- what were they're names? May and Avery? I had my men kill them. They put up quite the fight against us! I must say, I was quite impressed by this." You couldn't even process anything the man said other than the names May and Avery with the word 'kill' strung somewhere in the mix.

"You. Did. What?", you said as you writhed in anger. You knew he was a horrible person but you never knew he'd be so horrid! You thought you knew him better than that but apparently, time changes people.

"Did you not hear me? Are you slow or something? I killed them. How much simpler can it be stated to you?" What this bumbling-idiot didn't know is that the chains weren't on as tight as he thought they were because out of nowhere, he was on the ground holding his family jewels and whimpering and whining like a dog left in the snow for too long.

"WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO TAKE THE LIVES OF THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO EVER CARED ABOUT ME?! HUH!? ANSWER THAT YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!!!" You were sure that people all the way from Canada could hear you screaming and the sound of punching being rained down at a rapid speed.
May and Avery were the ones who always took a stand for you whenever Barrett was being a jerk. When you didn't have enough to eat or drink, they'd split their portions for you. Whenever you were too weak to take care of yourself, they'd pull together and help you wash and dress yourself.

The three of you were the Lapis Dragon Trio! You were supposed to stick together no matter what! But now, they were no longer. They lost their lives to a monstrous man- if he could even be called that! If you didn't hate him before, you certainly detested him in that moment. "YOU DESERVE TO BE GRILLED OVER THE FLAMES OF HELL!! YOU'RE A MONSTER!!"

Now that you really thought about it, while you drifted in and out of consciousness, you heard people talking about how the Lapis Dragon Trio had been kidnapped and two girls by the names of Avery Knight and May Tonweys had been beaten to death with a spiked mace.

This only served to triggered you even more due to how much pain they must've felt in their last moments. Your hands began to feel sore so you decided it'd be best to stop punching and slapping Arthur.

As you stood up, you look to a window that you hadn't noticed before and saw the sun was almost over the horizon, you had to figure out how you'd get back home but first, you needed to see just how much damage you had done to him.

He looked like he just been hit in the face with a brick and then slashed on stomach. Somehow by the grace of the Lord, he was still breathing ok-ish. Ok-ish was enough reassurance that he'd be fine. It's not like you even cared anyways though.

Somewhere in the back of your head, you knew they were just fine. Your mind drifted back to reality as you heard a voice. "Y/N, when are you going to get better? We're all worried about you. It's been 2 years since I've heard your voice. Please, if for nothing else, try to get better for May and Avery. They miss you. They need their mom to help them do their hair for prom and pick out dresses. I can't do all of that for them." You had drifted off again.

Two years ago, you had an accident. Arthur was taking the girls to school before a world meeting. You were alone at home when you heard a knock at the door. Because of your habit of opening the door without checking who was at it, you just skipped over to the door and opened it expecting it to be your husband.

Arthur always got upset with you when you didn't check first and would tell you that it could've been anybody. You never took him seriously because you lived in a large house with fancy security systems. The person wasn't him or one of the girls coming home to grab a forgotten book or homework, it was a burglar that the police had been trying to catch for 4 months.

He hit you over the head with a pole after shoving you down the flight of 15 stairs. Not only did you break your arm and get a terrible concussion but over £95,000 worth of stuff was either stollen or damaged. When Arthur, Avery, and May came back home, they were alarmed to see that the door was wide open. Thinking you might've been sitting in the doorway then saw them coming, they proceeded into the house only to find stuff missing or broken.

Arthur told them to go outside, get into the car, and call the police. He started to investigate and found you at the bottom of the stairs and they was a little bit of blood coming from your head.

They police and ambulance arrived not even 1 minute after he saw you on the floor. The police assessed the situation and wrote up a report. After a few days, they decided to send you to a mental hospital because you kept acting out if anyone would come near you other than your husband and kids.

You had been there for 2 years. It was said in the medical reports that injuries to your head cause you to hallucinate things such as your husband being a pirate. Of course, they didn't know that he had been one in the past but the point they made was clear. They said nobody but medical staff should go near you just encase. They said you were doing a lot better and gave the projected date of 1-3 more years until you could go home.

"I had to go get the girls from school now. I'll see you again tomorrow, love. We love you and we can't wait for you to come home." You were supposed to be at home making food for your beautiful family and waiting for them to come home, not stuff behind a glass wall in a mental hospital.

It's not fair.

This story took me forever to write because I was being lazy and getting nothing done. I wouldn't open the Word doc and start writing. -_-

This is crap but here it is! Give your opinions in the comments and roast me for being crap at writing stories!

Thanks for reading!! ❤❤❤

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