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A/N: Welcome! Just a quick side note, in this story, Senku and the others are already 18 years old and above. Thank you for reading this story! 

 Thank you for reading this story! 

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"Fuck me..." Rika whispered as she tried to support her body with her wobbly hands. This uncomfortable feeling of intense dizziness is overwhelming her small and frail body. Why does she need to feel this way first thing in the morning!

Aside from that,

There is also a very disgusting smell that has been picked up by her nose, the moment she woke up and it made her sickness even worse. 

"Who the fuck took a dump and did not properly flush the toilet? It smells horrible in here!" She whined louder, trying her best to pinch her nose tightly so as to not inhale as much shit smell as possible. 

In the middle of her own mental tantrum, a noticeable green-haired stickman holding an empty flask is seen standing on the side, frowning his symmetrical eyebrows as if he did something he shouldn't have done just now.

He leaned over to a sexy girl wearing a Fuschia-colored dress and a stone headband. "Reporter girl,  are you sure that she's the person we'll be needing for our next project?" He whispered.

The woman nodded. "Yup!"

"Wow! She must be crazy good if she was revived for something related to what we are supposed to do. Now I'm getting fired up!" Nikki jolted herself towards the reporter.

"Sure do! She's the person who received the David W. Taylor Award, Luigi G. Napolitano Award, Wright Brothers Medal, and UNESCO Niels Bohr Medal before reaching the age of 18, plus considered one of the youngest and most beloved tech-engineer of our time!" 

"She goes by the name Rika, though she does not reveal her family name to the public, for some unknown reason." She added as she grandly pointed her hands at the woman who was still currently sitting on the ground looking like a deranged naked mole-rat. 

He grumbled. "I am starting to think that this isn't a good idea, after all. "

He could've just stayed put with what Magma and the others had talked about, but he wanted to ensure the safety of everyone since traveling by the water can be very long and hectic due to possible giant waves, typhoons/hurricanes, or tsunamis. 

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