I try to get up but my ankle hurts, a lot. I can't seem to lift myself back up so I sit there, on the ground. "Damn it!"

I am pouting on the ground, waiting for Addison to return when I hear another knock on the door. Before I can answer the door flings open and the same handsom guy is standing in the doorway. "Derek?" I ask confused. What is he doing here? again?

"Hey. I'm sorry to barge in like this but I heard a loud bang and I was worried. Is everything okey?"

"Yes...No...I fell and now my ankle hurts. I can't really lift myself up. I'm just waiting for my roommate to come back" I tell him. I was planning on just ignoring it and telling him am fine but the ground isn't very comfortable and I have no idea when Addison will be back.

"Here, let me help you." Derek smiles and walks up to me. He lifts me up without any effort and places me on my bed. "Can I take a look at your ankle?"

"Sure" I shrug my shoulders and he takes my shoe and sock off. He moves my foot a little and at the slightest movement I wince from the pain.

"This isn't looking very good. I think you should go to the hospital" He looks concerned.

"Great...just my luck" I roll my eyes and fall back on my bed, my hands covering my face. I take a deep sigh and sit back up.

"Thanks...I'll just wait for my roommate and we will take a cab. Thank you for your help tho"

"I can take yo if you want. My car is right outside and I don't have anything better to do. Besides, it looks like it hurt a lot."

"No it's fine. I don't want to bother you or anything. I'll just bath through the pain" I chuckle nervously.

"Nonsense." He laughs and picks me up again, One of his arms under my legs and the other supporting my back.

"What are you doing?!" I shriek. I wrap one of my arms around his neck for extra support. He carries me out of the dorms and down to his car. He places me in the passengers seat and runs to the other side, taking place behind the wheel. He drives me to the closest hospital. Soft music fills the silent and slightly awkward air.

"So..." I start, not knowing what to say. "Are you a freshmen too?"

"No. I'm a sophomore. I came here last year with my best friend Mark. He's also my roommate."

"My roommate is also my best friend Addison." I stammer. What do I say to this guy? I barely know him. I only know his first name and yet here I am in his car, driving to the hospital because I broke my freaking ankle.

Derek nods and continues to drive. After a little while we finally arrive and Derek rushes in to grab a wheelchair for me. He wheels me to the front desk and one of the nurses leads us to a waiting room where we wait for one of the orthopedic residents.

"Meredith Grey?" A doctor calls.

"That's me"

"Alright. I am going to take you to an exam room and we will take a look at your foot" The doctor smiles. "Is your boyfriend coming with you?"

"Oh no! We're not....he's just... we're not together!" I shake my head.

"Yeah...no. We're not. I'll just wait out here for you to return" Derek chuckles nervously and sits back down in the seat.

The doctor takes me to her exam room and I lift myself on the table. She lifts my leg up and takes a look at my ankle. I wince and make a face as soon as she turns my foot.

"Yes...I'm sorry but your ankle is definitely broken. I will have to place a cast on it and you can't walk on it for at least 8 weeks. After that you'll have to come back for a check up and we'll look at it again."

I take a deep sigh. My luck, definitely my luck. God I hate this. I haven't even started school and I'm already the girl with a cast on her foot. Great. This is just great.

The doctor places a cast around my foot and makes sure everything is wrapped in tightly. She helps me back inside the wheelchair and gives me a set of crutches. She wheels me back to the waiting room where Derek is still waiting, reading in one of the medical magazines. He looks up and stands up, taking over from the doctor. I thank her and Derek wheels me outside, back to his car.

"So...what's wrong?" He asks half way on the way to the car.

"I broke it. Can't walk for at least 8 weeks" I sigh. "God this sucks"

"I'm sorry"

"I-Thanks. Did I bring a jacket?"

"No I we just left without something. Are you cold?"

"Kinda...but I'll manage" I sigh.

Suddenly the wheelchair stops and I turn around. I see Derek taking off his sweater, his stomach showing when the sweater pulls his shirt with it. God he's hot...

You have to stop these thoughts Meredith! He is a sophomore for god sake.

Anyway...Derek hands me his sweater and I refuse at first but he keeps insisting so I pull the sweater over my head. A comforting, masculine smell surrounds me as the fabric comes close to my nose. It smells good, very good.

Derek keeps pushing the wheelchair and finally we reach the car. He drives us back to the campus and helps me by handling me the crutches and staying by my side until we reach our dorms. We stand in the hall in between our two doors. I chuckle and flash him a smile before turning around and opening the door. I turn around once more, thanking him before walking in and closing the door behind me.

*Hi! Thank you for reading this first chapter to my new book! Am am very excited to keep updating this. Let me know what you think of it and if I should keep updating this book!*

When we first met - MerDer In CollegeWhere stories live. Discover now