Chapter 25 - The Gamble

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-The Gamble-

None of it made any sense. Bastian remembered the symbol, the iconography of the tree. How could he not? When The Palatine had marched to wipe out the forgotten gods of old Brittany, their followers had bourn that symbol on standards. The pagan gods, savage things little better than beasts, had venerated their precious Tree of Life, and Bastian was one of the only people in the world old enough to remember. For the Godslayer to flee to Russia, after seeing that iconography at the temple in Norway, it made no sense. Something was very wrong, but his superiors disagreed. Bastian scoffed. They were superior in title alone, giving themselves accolades and rank within a machine that they had built on the original foundation, The Palatine Order.

Even now, thousands of men were descending onto the wilderness where they suspected that the Russian end of the Leyline Gate opened. The men in command had built small armies loyal to them, not the truth of the mission. Helicopters would comb from the sky, satellites would turn overhead with their ever-watchful eyes on empty lands, and still none of it felt right. This was a trick; Bastian knew it in his heart. The tree was significant. It meant something, and the last of The Palatine would not use the last of his days chasing ghosts in the middle of nowhere.

Even now he could feel the power coursing through his veins, the seed of power bestowed upon him burning through even his mighty body. Not even the strongest could act as a vessel for The First Defender's power for long, such was the difference between true divinity and man.

"You didn't have to wipe out half of the island," Bastian said dryly, a note of distain in his voice as he heard Jun approaching.

The man was clad in a set of compact armour, ancient and yet spotless, a pendant hanging tightly around his neck. There was an aura about him too, an almost tangible taste of ozone in the air when he approached, power of the Old Gods. Formidable.

"Things happen," Jun shrugged, looking over The Palatine's repaired armour. He seemed even taller now, a glow behind his eyes, "Where are we going?"

"My superiors think he's fled to Russia," Bastian replied, pacing through the courtyard, Jun following closely behind.

"You have reason to doubt them?"

"A hunch. The icon on the temple, the tree, I've seen it before, but not in Russia."

"Akane's slippery," Jun nodded, "It could be a misdirect, or he could just be trying to put as much distance between him and us as possible. Where did you see it?"

"The north of Brittainy, when the last of the isle's gods died. I don't have time for a fruitless hunt."

"Time?" Jun asked, an eyebrow raised as he looked at the larger man, "What's time got to do with it?"

"Nothing of your concern," Bastian dismissed, "I'm going to where the gods fell, do what you will. I won't need your help."

Jun took a long moment, looking at the man as he turned back and made his way towards a large transport helicopter. There was definitely something different about him, something more. It was as if there was a radiance beneath the armour, the tiredness in his eyes tempered by fire. Even with his completed power, even the boons of Amaterasu, or perhaps because of them, there was something about The Palatine that set him on edge. There was more to be seen here. There was something new, waiting deep beneath the surface. Without another word Jun turned to follow, ignoring the bustle of the courtyard as dozens of men scrambled around like ants, mobilising to move in the other direction.

"So, you're disobeying orders," Jun said, walking quickly to catch up with the giant, "Doesn't sound like anything I've heard of The Palatine."

"You don't know me," Bastian replied flatly, "And as far as I see if, I'm the only one following orders. The only orders that matter."

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