The Bosses of Ancient Times

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Thanks to the actions of the mystical being known as Verse, many people long dead have been resurrected, including some very nasty customers. Beware their presence, fighters, for they will have their revenge!

Omega Rugal

Rugal Berenstein was, in his time, the most feared black market merchant in the world

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Rugal Berenstein was, in his time, the most feared black market merchant in the world. Countless atrocities were done to quench his thirst for power, one of which includes massacring General Heidern's fleet and family. He was never afraid to dig his fangs at anyone who challenged him. Rugal was the host of the very first KOF Tournaments in history, but his goal was to collect the finest fighters to nal collection. Once thought to have sunken in the Tournament of 1994, he was resurrected via the power of Orochi. Rugal wasted no time to make the most of his newfound power to continue his devious plans by holding another KOF Tournament just one year later. Unfortunately for him, he was destroyed by his own contestants.

Thought to be dead for good, he returned to the mortal realm via the powers of the being known only as Verse. Now mortals beware, for Omega Rugal has returned for vengeance!

Fun fact: Rugal was known to use other people's fighting styles against them, but that's not to say he hasn't mastered a few moves of his own. The most infamous is called the 'Genocide Cutter', when he leaps and slices his opponent with his long leg. It is a very effective move against both ground and aerial attacks. Those who have experienced that move firsthand were greatly traumatized, some even vowed never to fight again...


Goenitz is an almighty fighter as unpredictable as the wind he summons

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Goenitz is an almighty fighter as unpredictable as the wind he summons. His dignified wardrobe befitting a pastor and polite mannerisms give off a gentle breeze; but take off that mask and one will see a ruthless monster, foul as a typhoon, quite happy to inflict pain and suffering on those who dare stand in his way. This includes taking Rugal's eye as a prize, punishing a fellow disciple of Orochi for treason by cursing his daughter with the Riot of the Blood which devastated the lands, and even murdering Chizuru's own sister as a means to break the Orochi seal. As one of the Four Heavenly Kings, this man devotes his entire being to serving his dark lord Orochi. He has a messiah complex, which means he sees himself as the savior of Earth, via devastating means. He and his crew were the 'final boss' of KOF 1996-1997. Goenitz fought Team Sacred Treasures viciously but was defeated soundly. Not wanting to face humiliation, he committed suicide by slicing himself with the wind. He was never heard of until Verse's resurrection. Time will tell if this raging wind will strike again...

Fun fact: Goenitz is an introvert; he'd rather spend quality time alone away from others unless really necessary. This is ironic as he was once a missionary, and missionaries are supposed to TALK and BOND with the people they're trying to convert. Still, Goenitz's 'wise man' aura is enough to get people 'converted' to Orochi's religion.

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