Be Careful What You Wish For !!PART 1!!

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It was a day before the twins Marcus and Mark's birthday.

Marcus woke up and went downstairs excited and as he went down he saw his brother Mark with his boyfriend Sam sitting down the couch watching TV "Morning, Marcus" Sam said "Yeah Good Morning, mom left already and there's breakfast on the counter" Mark said as he's trying to brush Marcus away from Sam and him "Hey, Mark" Marcus said "What?" Mark asked "You know that our birthday is tomorrow, right?" Marcus said "Yeah I mean who would be an idiot to forget their own birthday?" Mark said sarcastically "Yeah yeah, well what do you wish for tomorrow?" Marcus said "I don't know" Mark said "Oh come on! You probably have something in mind!" Marcus said forcing his younger brother to tell his wish "I don't know!" Mark said with a higher tone "Just say it! We won't laugh" Marcus said still trying to convince his brother "I wish you'd be gone for god sake!" Mark said screaming at his older brother, both Sam and Marcus went quiet "Fine!" Marcus said then went upstairs, Mark rolled his eyes and looked back at the TV "Don't you think you were too harsh?" Sam said concerned for Marcus "I don't care, he's just being dramatic I don't even know why mom and dad planned him" Mark said "Well still! Isn't Marcus the one that worked hard so he can help your mom with the bills and your guys tuition and your guys dad only comes back once a month and treats Marcus like bullshit while he treats you like his only son" Sam says "Does it look like I care?" Mark says and at this point Sam gave up so he just watched the TV with Mark.

After a few minutes, Marcus went down the stairs with bags "Hey! Where the fuck are you going with those?!" Mark said but Marcus didn't listen and went out of the house without eating "Aren't you gonna chase after him?" Sam asked "No, why would I?" Mark said "Cause he's your brother?" Sam said "Stop worrying he'll be back before tomorrow, it's not like he can celebrate our birthday without me and the family" Mark said "Fair point....." Sam said trying to calm down.

It was lunch time and Marcus still hasn't went back home but Mark and Sam were still relaxed about it since they know he will come back home before night time since he doesn't even have a place to stay.

It was night time and also dinner time and Mark and Marcus' mom got back home "Good Evening, Sam" the twins' mom said "Good Evening, mom" Sam said as he helped Mark set up the table and as the 3 were about to sit down "Where's your brother Marcus?" the twins' mom said, Mark and Sam looked at each other in shock since they forgot Marcus left "Uhm.....he kind of left? But I bet he'll be back tomorrow morning!" Mark said "Does he have clothes with him?" the twins' mom asked "He has a bag with him so probably" Sam said "Let's just worry tomorrow, it's not like he'll spend his birthday alone" the twins' mom said and at this point Sam was worried.

They had finished lunch and now in their rooms "Do you think he'll be back by tomorrow?" Sam asked "He probably will be" Mark said laying down his bed and on his phone "Can't we call his boyfriend Aiden or his best friend Paul?" Sam said "Just chill okay?! If he doesn't come back till tomorrow then it's his fault" Mark said and at this point Sam didn't want to fight back so he just chatted Marcus and asked if he was okay.

It was the next day and it was finally the twins' birthday.

Marcus woke up and knocked on his twins' door but there wasn't any answers so he assumed he was still asleep and went downstairs.

Not in shock their father and grandparents came here for the twins' birthday "Good Morning birthday boy! " Mark's dad said "Good Morning" Mark said as he was going down the stairs "Where's your brother Marcus? " the twins' mom asked "He wasn't answering so I guessed he was still asleep" Mark said "Him still asleep at 8:30? That doesn't sound like your brother at all" the twins' mom said "Wake him up and tell him the family is here" the twins' mom added then Sam went out of Mark's room "Perfect timing baby! Can you wake up Marcus for me?" Mark said "Can't you do it?" Mark's mom said "I don't wanna see his face" Mark said then rolled his eyes and as Mark was about to sit down at the dining area "Uhm......Marcus isn't here" Sam said "Huh? He still hasn't came home?" Mark asked "Probably not" Sam said "Is he in his boyfriend's house?" the twins' mom said "We don't know" Sam said while going down the stairs "Quit worrying about that idiot and let's have some fun and celebrate my son's birthday!" the twins' dad said "May I remind you that Marcus is also your son and the very first one" the twins' mom said "I don't see him as my son" the twins' dad added and at this point Mark felt a pang on his chest and then Sam went beside him and whispered "Should we call Aiden?" "I think we should" Mark said and as when they were about to call Aiden someone rang the doorbell and they all thought it was finally Marcus coming home but it was Aiden "Happy Birthday Mark I guess......" Aiden said with disgust on his face "Stop looking at me in disgust! I look exactly like your boyfriend!" Mark said "That's the point, you look exactly like Marcus and I don't like people" Aiden said then Mark slams the door at his face but Aiden opens the door and lets himself in like he's a part of the family "Where's Marcus?" Aiden asked "Is he not with you?" Mark asked "No, why?" Aiden asked in confusion "He left yesterday morning and I thought he was with you......" Mark said "Paul maybe?" Sam said behind Mark "Wait I'll call him really quick" Mark said and rhen he started calling Paul and then he picked up "Hey Paul" Mark said "Happy Birthday Mark! I'm sorry I can't come early cause I still have stuffs to do and also tell Marcus I said Happy Birthday since he hasn't seen my chats" Paul said "Ah......well you see...uhm Marcus is kinda not here? He left yesterday and hasn't came back home" Mark said "What!?" Paul said and ended the call "That was a weird way to respond but okay" Sam said "What even happened yesterday? He doesn't leave without a reason" the twins' mom asked "Do you mind telling what happened yesterday?" Sam said with a creepy grin and looked at Mark "Well uhm you see......I kind of told him to be gone cause he was pissing me off and annoying me then he left with tons of bags......" Mark said "You did what!?" everyone screamed except for Sam and Mark "Why would you say such a thing to your brother!?" the twins' mom said "I was pissed and angry and I couldn't control what I said!" Mark said defending himself "Forget about celebrations and let's find your brother!" the twins' mom said "Why would you even care for such bullshit?" the twins' dad said "If you don't wanna help then leave this place" the twins' mom said "Then fine! I will!" the twins' dad said and left "Should we call the police first?" the twins' grandmother said "Oh yeah, we should" the twins' mom said then they called the police to help them find Marcus.

They searched and searched the whole city but still couldn't find Marcus and as they were searching they were calling each one of their friends and none of them knows where Marcus could be.

It was almost the end of the day and they went around the whole city millions of times and still saw nothing so they went back home and after a few minutes of resting they heard someone knocking on the door and as they opened it they saw the police "****** residence?" the police asked "Yes sir" the twins' mom said "I'm very sorry to say this but we found your son Marcus drowning in the crystal river" the police told the bad news to the family and all were in tears "Are you sure that's my son?" the twins' mom said with tears coming out of her eyes "I'm sorry to say this but it is your son and we tried rushing him to the hospital but it was already too late" the police said and all were now pretty much sobbing "We also found some of his items on the land and a note in the bag" the police said and handed the note and his items then the police told them which hospital he was confined and left then the family read the note which made them sob much more.

As the family were now in each of their rooms, Mark was very devastated with himself for telling those words to his brother "I'm such an idiot aren't I?" Mark said while crying in his boyfriend's arms "Shh, don't say that to yourself......he's in a better place now and looking over us" Sam said "From now on you should be very careful on what you wish for and think before you speak......" Sam said while Marcus' brother is crying in his arms.

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