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Giyuu and Shinobu would frequently go to the treehouse. The zip line still scared Giyuu a bit which didn't go unseen by Shinobu. She teased him for it, but had no bad intentions. It was natural anyways. 

"Kochou." Giyuu put down his fencing épée. "Hmm?" She looked up  at him with a smile.

"What flower is that? I haven't seen it before." He lied. He has seen it before. On her desk the first time he had came here. He noticed she had kept it away whenever she expected him to be at the treehouse.

She turned around to be faced with a bush of wisteria flowers. She cursed under her breath. She had forgotten that wisteria trees and bushes grew a lot around this area of the forest during this season. "Ah... I fear I don't know Tomioka-san."

He shifted his feet, "Are- Are you sure, Kochou?"

"Positive! Ne, Tomioka-san, are you trying to get me distracted so you could finally win? Expected of the loner." She laughed and lunged at him. 

Before he could react, her épée was at his neck. She looked up at him, "Seems like your little plan didn't work. Fufu."

Giyuu backed away from her slowly, then turned to the blanket on the grass. "What's that for?"

"Ah! I almost forgot!" She put down her épée and started running to the ladder, "Be right back!"

Giyuu looked at her climbing, then  realized it wasn't very respectful of him to do so as she was wearing a skirt. He looked away with a flush. His gaze ended up on the purple bush once again. He walked towards it reluctantly.

A poke, then two. Giyuu halted to a stop. "Tsun~Tsun." She poked him again. "Come here Tomioka-san. I've prepared something for us." She reached for his hand and pulled him to the blanket.

He had forgotten how quick she was. She may as well have jumped from the treehouse instead of coming down on the ladder.

"Kochou, what is this?"

"A picnic Tomioka-san! Have you never had a picnic with friends before?" She sat down then gasped and put a hand over her mouth, "Oh wait, silly me. It seems I had forgotten for a bit that you have no friends." She giggled. 

He grunted and sat down. "I do have friends Kochou."

"Ooh? Who may they be?"


She chuckled nervously. "Me? Ah Tomioka-san, I thought you would have been smart enough to realize I only hang out with you because of pity!"

Giyuu's face darkened. Was it true? Were all those moments together fake? Were they all only appreciated on his behalf? 

Shinobu looked at him. He was fidgeting a red bow in his hand. He does that when he's uncomfortable, she remarked. "Ne, Tomioka-san... I'm only joking. I greatly enjoy spending time with you." She smiled genuinely at him.

He stopped fiddling with the bow. "Oh."

"That bow, do you just carry it around with you?"

"Yes. Is there something wrong?"

"Well no but- Hey, how about I put it in your hair for you?" She sat on her knees and smiled at him.

"Um-" He looked at the bow in his hands. "Sure."

Shinobu scooted closer to him and reached out her hand for the bow. Giyuu handed it to her and she got to work. The end result was a braid, the bow at the bottom of it. Shinobu went back to her original spot and gasped in delight. She yanked her phone from her pocket and snapped a quick picture of him.

"Tomioka-san look!! Wahh you look so cute!" Giyuu stared at her. The realization of what she said dawned on her and she blushed. "I meant- never mind..." Giyuu slightly smiled at the photo. This hairstyle... this bow, they were very dear to him. He smiled at the thought of his older sister, running through the grass, her braid swinging behind her. 

Another snap. He blinked away from his memories and looked at Shinobu. "Apologies Tomioka-san. But you were smiling so I had to." She gave him a cheeky grin. 

They spent the rest of the evening eating and talking. Well, Shinobu was the one talking, with Giyuu popping in to add comments. The pair had lost track of time and fell asleep there, gazing up at the moon and the stars. 

"The moon looks beautiful tonight, doesn't it, Tomioka-san?"

Hi loves. please leave feedback or any comments. i really enjoy reading comments and seeing how i can improve my writing. wonderful day/evening/night! 💕

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