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(contains a bit of smut even though i said i might not do smut lolol)

Shinobu smiled forcibly and sipped her milkshake. Douma was holding her hand underneath the table while talking to his friend, whom he had dragged into their date. 

It had been a while, and she was getting bored. After a while, Douma's friend had to leave, as his girlfriend needed help with something. Douma put his arm over Shinobu and started talking to her. 

At this point, she was getting tired. With no notice, she fell asleep comfortably on his shoulder. He smiled sweetly at her and went onto his phone, occasionally moving his hand through her hair. 

It had been 2 years since they started dating, and Douma was still head over heels for her. She was absolutely perfect in his eyes. He promised himself that she would stay with him, no matter what.

He decided it was getting late and woke Shinobu up gently. They made their way to Douma's car. Shinobu, still weary, hadn't noticed how late it was and forgot that no one would be home today at this time. 

He already knew the way to her house and drove there. When they had arrived, he noticed she fell asleep again. He carried her into her house and decided to stay with her.

Going up to her bedroom, he smiled with delight. If she were awake, he would have taken this opportunity. But, he let her sleep. He laid her on the bed and got in next to her. Soon, they had both fell asleep. 

Shinobu woke up a while after. That icy touch... she immediately tried to get up. But, she was stuck. His arms were wrapped around her small body. She had no strength whatsoever to get him off, nor wiggle out of his arms.

She stopped, defeated. She decided to go back to sleep assuming that it was still night. But, she had woken Douma up due to her attempt of getting out of his grasp. He was upset about that. They haven't cuddled like this in forever, so he'll have to do something else to make her stay.

He brought his hand to her chest and started massaging. She gasped in terror then with pleasure. She didn't like this, but she couldn't help it. Shinobu had to make this stop before it went too far. She didn't want her virginity gone yet, and especially didn't want him to take it.

He was now on top of her, and was kissing her lightly. He started from her neck and went up to her lips. It soon turned heated, and he included his tongue. "Mmh-" He slowly ended the kiss and smiled at her. 

"Douma, I don't think we should-" She was cut off by him kissing her again. 

Ugh. If only she broke up with him sooner. He was always one to rush things, of course he would rush having sex. 

All while kissing her, his hand had made their way down to Shinobu's skirt. 

Maybe it was a mistake wearing a skirt, Shinobu thought as she felt his hands go up her skirt and tease her. "Ah.." She moaned in pleasure. 

What are you doing? Push him off, Shinobu.

She continued to give into his touch.

Push him off.

He massaged her as she squirmed around. Shinobu gasped as he entered a finger into her. She finally looked up at him, tears in her eyes. 

As much as Douma loved Shinobu, he couldn't help but grin as those tears strolled down her cheeks. He loved seeing her like this, pathetic and weak against him. 

She was a moaning mess now. It was her first time doing this. The pain had already subsided and all she felt was pleasure now. 

Her mind was gone, she was lost in this new but great feeling. 

She was about to let things go further when she remembered something. Her sister would be coming home soon. Shinobu had always wanted to make Kanae proud of her, and she definitely wouldn't be if she figured out she was up in her room doing this.

As soon as he took his finger out, Shinobu pushed him away. She'd been crying for a while, but she felt angry now. "Douma." He looked at her innocently, trying to cover up his annoyance. 

"Let's stop here for today, alright?" His mood went up immediately after he heard her say that. It meant that it'll happen next time, and will go further. 

Shinobu and been careful with her choice of words. She wanted him to think like that so he could easily leave her now. She'd make sure not to go out with him at times like these again. And if it ever did happen, she would ask to be brought to Suma's or Mitsuri's. Maybe even nemi's place.

He had kissed her before leaving, and made her promise that it will happen again. This man never stops, does he. 

After it dawned on her what had just happened, she looked at herself with disgust. She realized that he was going to take her virginity tonight if she didn't do that. She started sobbing as she remembered she was going to let him do it.

She cried herself to sleep that night, and was too miserable to get out of bed that morning. "Shinobu-chan~! Get out of bed noww!" Her sister swiftly entered the room, smiling down at her sleeping sister. 

Her smile vanished as she saw the look on her sisters face. Usually, Shinobu looked peaceful and calm during her sleep. Kanae was immediately worried. She started panicking thinking it was her fault for not spending enough time with Shinobu. 

She hadn't even taken out the butterfly ornament from her hair. Kanae knew how much Shinobu hated sleeping with that in her hair, fearing it might break.

She sat down on the bed next to Shinobu. She shook her lightly, trying to wake her up. Kanae knew Shinobu had an important club meeting today, and didn't want her to miss it. As much as she wanted her sister to get some rest, Shinobu would have been pissed at her if she didn't do this.

"Shinobu..." Kanae's voice was soothing, and urged Shinobu to stay in bed for longer. She grabbed hold of her sister's arm like it was a pillow and hugged it tightly. She once again thought about what happened last night and started crying. 

Kanae propped Shinobu up and hugged her. They stayed like this for a moment until Kanae pulled away. She wiped the tears off Shinobu's face and smiled sweetly at her. "We don't have to talk about it, but I'd greatly appreciate it if we did." She kissed Shinobu's temple, "Do you want to go today?"

Shinobu nodded. Although it meant seeing that bastard again, she couldn't miss the club meeting. "Okay, i'll leave you to get ready. I'll make breakfast for you, let me know if you need something. Okay?"

"Okay..." Shinobu's voice was raspy and her body ached. She loved her sister more than anything in the world. She could not be a disappointment to her. 


Shinobu quickly found the table her friends were sitting at and went over to them. She was still upset but had covered it up with a smile. She begged her friends not to tell Kanae about how Douma treats her.

Kanae wanted so badly for Shinobu to have a lover. Someone that could be by her side. Someone other than Kanae. She loved her sister dearly, but she thought that she needed someone else. 

She had been just fine with her sister, but now realizes how empty she felt without Sanemi. She wanted her sister to experience the same thing. 

"Hey bu'," Sanemi smiled at her as she sat down. 

"Nemi'." She nodded in greeting, her smile still on her face.

"Shinobu-chan! How are you feeling?" Kanae grinned at her sister, glad to see she was feeling better.

"Just fine, thank you nee-san," Shinobu forced her smile even more. It hurt her to know that Kanae couldn't tell between her fake smiles and real ones. 

The rest of the day went by quickly. Kanae had stayed back to help in the library after school. Shinobu had went home, completely forgetting about her tutoring that evening.

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