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Kanae was fixing the books on a shelf when she noticed someone sitting at a table near her. He seemed to be waiting for someone. Text books and notes were laid out in front of him, tutoring perhaps? 

He caught her looking at him, staring at her for a second before his gaze shifted to her hair. He started to get up which startled Kanae. 

"How may I help you, sir?" She smiled sweetly at him. 

She got no response from him, he just continued to stare at her. 

He pointed at her hair clips, "Do you know Kocho Shinobu by any chance?"

"Yes! I'm her sister. Why?"

His expression softened for a moment before turning cold again. "She has tutoring today but she hasn't come." 

She smiled worriedly, "She hasn't had a good day, would it be okay for her to not have tutoring this afternoon?" She resumed placing books on the shelf but still had his attention on him.

"Yeah, sure." He walked away at that. 

Later that day Kanae went to the shop. She bought sweets for Shinobu and bought her a new sketch book as well. The cover was of the ocean and butterflies. Blue and purple butterflies flew around the waves. 

Shinobu appreciated the gifts, but got angry at Kanae for buying these for her. She was "perfectly fine" but Kanae knew she wasn't. Although she might not show it, she knew when Shinobu faked her smiles and calmness. 

"Your tutor was waiting for you at the library today," Kanae looked at Shinobu who was enjoying the mochi Kanae bought her.

"Oh. I forgot I had tutoring today. I'd better apologize for making him wait tomorrow." 

"Sanemi is coming over, he wanted to check on you." Shinobu looked at her sister, "Are you sure that's the only reason he's coming over?" She smirked.

Kanae blushed, "Yes! Truly, he was worried about you."

"Whatever you say, nee-san."

Sanemi did come over to check on Shinobu, but also to see Kanae. Shinobu and him were playing video games and arguing about who was better while Kanae made them dango. They had a lovely evening together.


Giyuu wasn't concerned. He was a bit curious though. He had seen Shinobu earlier in the day and noticed her smile was more forced than usual. He realized how Shinobu's grades and attention had decreased even lower. She stopped writing down notes and zoned off in class. 

He might not like her much, but he hated people who seemed like they had no care for education. He was going to fix that.


Sorry for the late update and small chapter! I got writers block and didn't know what to write about. I'll try to make the next chapter the longest I can. 

Just A Cliche Love Story? A GiyuShino FanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat