spain all over again

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Erin walks to a jeep in a light blue tank top with spaghetti straps and the same color blue think tank top under it with light blue jeans and tan combat boots with her mask on in a ponytail "chris" Erin calls

"EV" Chris smiles "or maybe Erin"

"Claire and Leon tell you" Erin asks


"of course" Erin sighs "how are you"

"I'm fine what about you"

"first class was fun"

"thats good" Chris chuckles

"Listen Chris I don't want anyone to know I'm EV" Erin explains

"I get it don't worry EV"


"let's get going"


Time skip
Chris stops the jeep as they both get out. Chris goes in the back. "welcome to africa" A woman walks up to them smiling "My name is Sheva Alomar"

Chris shakes her hand "chris redfield and this is EV"

"Both your reputation proceeds you both its an honor"

"just Chris thanks so you'll be accompany EV and I to the desinatation" Chris asks

"Yes Tensions are running high ever since the change in government"

"I'm sure government" Erin shakes her head "tricky"

"I'll bet Intel says it's a haven for terrorists now"

"and they're not gonna be happy to see an american bsaa worldwide hero or not that's why I'm your partner help put them at ease" Sheva explains

"I'm sure you'll do just fine" Sheva starts to walk off as Chris looks off "partner"

"Chris" Erin starts walking with Sheva

"you ok" Sheva asks

"yeah sorry it's nothing let's go" Chris catches up to the girls walking

"jill" Erin whispers

"yeah" Chris whispers

Erin looks down as she hears "hey hey" A soldier stops the three as Sheva motions to Chris and Erin with her hand to step back

The soldier feel up on Sheva as she pushes the soldier off her "you don't have to get touchy" Sheva shows her badge "let's go". They all walk past the soldier opening a double door into a village hearing a radio watching villagers hit each other around

"This is Kirk Sheva EV Chris can you read me"

"chis here coming in loud and clear kirk" Chris replies

"yes we read you"

"there's a black market weapons deal going down in kijuju thats where Irving will be Alpha team has already infiltrated the area and you will be going in as backup rendezvous with your contact at the butcher's shop"

Erin turns around "what the" erin says as they turn around to see the village empty. They all walk to the side of the shop inside

"good you're all here come" The man points to the back as they go through the door behind him "you three this way".

"it may be because of the new government but people around here are a little on edge you should do what you came her to do and go home"

"yeah they really roll out the red carpet for us Americans" Chris faces Erin

The adventure ends here (book 7)Where stories live. Discover now