Irving you-

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"Irving" Erin points to Irving on a boat

"there he is" Sheva yells

They look at the person in the hood "wait isn't that-" Sheva looks at Erin

"thats mine" Erin points at the cloak she remebers from all those years ago watching the person drive off in a speedboat

"what" Sheva asks

"I Made that cloak in 1998 if I'm right" Erin points to the boat in the distance

Irving maniacal laughs at the three below on his big boat clapping "splendid timing you two are just in time for the fireworkds show boom" Irving waves as the boat leaves

"Wait" Chris yells "I hate that guy" Chris lowers his voice as they turn to see majini running at them

"sheva do you read me I secured a boat i'm on the other side of the dock get here on the double" Josh yells in their earpiece

"there" Erin points to Josh across the dock running and slashing majini's head running through them to get Josh

"hurry over here" Sheva yells at the boat with Chris and Erin close behind

"quickly we must go" Josh yells as they hearing explosions behind them

Chris and Erin hop while Josh helps Sheva on board the boat watching the place get destroyed as they drive off

Time skip
"what happened to Irving" Josh asks

Sheva and Chris are quiet "he was on a huge boat by the time we got there" Erin sighs in defeat

"ahh we he can't have gona too far"

"Josh" Sheva looks at him as Chris gets up


"Josh" Erin grabs him as a fire arrow hits the boat nearly hitting the gas tank in his hands

"god thank you Erin Thank me later we got company" Josh gets behind the wheel

"I'm on it"

"got you covered"

Erin takes out her mag shooting majini's heads off

"ok now let's get this Irving" Josh yells

Time skip
Josh is driving the boat in thunder "Josh" Erin yells pointing at the big Boat coming in their way as Sheva gets up "Oh shit" Josh yells moves the wheel as fast as he can but the side of teh boat slams into the bigger boats side gettting shot of

"they're gonna sink us" Chris yells

"we've got to do something" Josh yells

"we gotta get aboard that ship"

Erin shoots at the majini behind the machine gun on the boat but gets shot in her arm but killing the majini "ow"

"hold on get ready" Josh yells drives his boat next to the boat

Erin touches her head feeling Irving

"what are you going to do about them" a woman's voice comes out of the mask in the hood

"you're just one of Excella's playthings" Irving insults as the woman ins him to the wall by neck "It was your master who was-"

"one more time what are you doing to do about them" She asks calmly choking Irving to the wall next to a suitcase of gold

"alright alright I'll handle it" Irving gets put down coughing catching breath

"use it" She hold a vial of something in her hand

"this" Irving questions

The three of them get on board to see Irving "won't you two just die already" He yells "you're making me look bad who did you think got his entire operation off the ground research like this doesn't fund itself you know yet everyone looks down on me but not anymore" Irving has a syringe in his hand

"Irving no" Erin yells

"no don't do it" Sheva yells

Irving laughs injecting his neck then starts screaming going on his knees and hands as tentacles form in his back "I'm far beyond anything you could ever hope to become" Irving yells muatating throwing himself in the water making the boat shake huge tentacles surround the boat

"shit" Chris yells looking up a mutated Irving above

"I just had an extreme make-over" He laughs as Erin and Chris shoot at him going into the water

"Erin status report what the hell is that thing" Josh yells in the earpiece

"just get outta here Josh it's too dangerous" Chris yells

"we'll try to stop it" Sheva reassures

"understood just try not to get yoursleves killed" Josh warns before cutting out

"something that undergoes such a rapid transformation must have a weakness" Sheva yells

"everything does" Erin yells shooting her Mag at a mutated Irving as he goes goes down and comes to the front of the boat laughing as the three shoot at Irving making him scream and fall onto the the boat in blood dettached from his form

"Tell me what you're planning to do" Chris yells

"damn Excella" Irving yells in pain "I guess I wasn't worth the good stuff"

"Excella" Sheva questions

"Gionne" Erin queststion

Chris walks up to Irving to show a photo of Jill on his phone "where is this facility answer me" Chris yells "what is the uroboros project" Chris gets more angrier

"The BSAA and a superhero wow you three are just on top of everything aren't ya The Balance of the world is changing and you're completely oblivious to it" Irving lowers his voice

"what's changing what are you talking about is it the uroboros prject is that it" Sheva raises her voice

"its too late now no one can stop it" Irving reveals "Uroboros is about to change everything"

"Chris" Sheva yells as Erin pulls Chris back

"Erin and Chris so you're chris" Irving laughs

"whats so funny" Chris asks in annoyance and screams "How do you know about me"

"all your answers await ahead chris in that cave if you can survive long enough to get them" the crackles "Dyling's not so bad but its not gonna change anything you're still screwed"

"we're wasting time here" Chris aims his gun at Irving

"Chris" Sheva puts the gun down

"I still never got that autograph Erin" He gasps dissolving

"poor bastard" Chris looks at nothing

"now what" Sheva asks

"we keep going

The adventure ends here (book 6)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя