Chapter 9: Aliens.

Start from the beginning

"So I left his house and started walking back to the school to get my car. And, I seen Dib and his sister walking talking about Zim." "Zim, that green alien kid— thing?" Rika asked while sitting up. "Yes! Him! Dib said Zim is afraid of water!" Rika laid back again, with a relaxed face. "Please don't tell me you think Grim is an—" "ALIEN!" Aimy said while cutting her off. Rika scratched her head.

"No offense hun, but I think you've lost your mind

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"No offense hun, but I think you've lost your mind." Rika said. "Listen to me! Have you ever seen Grim when it rains?" Aimy asked while grabbing Rika by the shoulders. "N-no" Rika replied. "And have you ever seen him swim? Or anything like that?" Rika shook her head. "I don't know, he might have a strange and weird reason why he's like that. I wouldn't go assume everything." Aimy let go of Rika, and Rika started fixing her outfit.

"Maybe you're right..." Aimy said looking upset. "He did take a shower at my house when he spent the night. But he also asked for paste." "Paste? Like, glue?" Rika asked. Aimy nodded. "Okay, now THAT is weird." Rika said while crossing her arms. "What would he even need that for?" Rika asked. Aimy shrugged. "I don't know, I really didn't think anything about it." Rika scratched her head. "Well, definitely— think it over. Like, you can't just go around accusing people of being an alien. Anyways, I've got to go. Let me know if you figure anything out." Rika told Aimy goodbye and left the house.

Aimy spent the rest of the evening googling about aliens on her laptop. She really couldn't find anything useful, so she decided to just put the laptop away, and watch tv. She laid on her bed, and turned Mysterious Mysteries on, and relaxed. "Tonight's episode on Mysterious Mysteries is ALIENS. Are we alone? Are our neighbors not human? Should we start wearing tin foil hats? Stay tuned" the tv announced. Aimy furrowed her brow. "Wow, what are the odds." She said to herself while drinking her slushy.

"Aliens come in all shapes and sizes. But what really matters, is to figure out if they're wearing a disguise or not! Some aliens have different features as us humans. Here are some details to look out for:

• Pink or purple teeth
• fear of water
• wigs
• salty and sweet foods"

The tv continued but Aimy reflected on what information she learned. "I mean, that would explain Grim's water thing." She thought to herself. "And he has pink teeth..." Aimy pulled up pictures of Grim on her phone. "I— I don't think he wears a wig..." Aimy grew obsessed trying to figure out an answer about Grim. "I'm gonna get to the bottom of this!"

It was the next day, and Grim just got to school. He could tell something was off, but wasn't sure what it is. He really wanted to talk to Aimy, but he convinced himself that she hates him. Grim made it to his home room, found his seat, and sat down. "Hey dude, what's up?" Carbon said while giving Grim a small pat on his back. "Oh, hey." Grim replied.

Carbon sat at his desk across from Grim. "Why'd you storm out yesterday? Something bothering ya?" Carbon asked while taking his book bag off. "I— I got upset because Aimy didn't tell me she was going to college." "Oh, I see. Did the teacher tell you?" Grim nodded. "Yeah, I guess I can understand that. Have you talked to her since?" "She came to my house after school, and she was drenched from the rain, and she got upset that I didn't want to hug her." Carbon laughed. "I wouldn't hug her either if she was drenched! I wouldn't want to get wet either!"

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