♡⇢Gears in a bunch⇠♡

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Part 1/2!🌈


⚙ Kiibo's Pov ⚙

I was at Iruma-san's office as she checked me. "How has it been Keyboard?" She asked, still examining me. "Ah, just fine!" I replied jovially. "You've been hanging out with Pooichi a lot!" She snickered. "We're good friends! I could even consider him as my best friend!" I exclaimed. She snickered at my response.

I tilted my head, "What's so funny?" I asked, clueless. She brushed it off, "Nothing! Don't worry about it keyboard!". She finished up with me and we said our goodbyes. I headed outside and looked at the grass as I walked.

"Hey, keyboy!" A familiar voice called to me. I turned around and saw Ouma-kun racing toward me. He ran into me and hugged me. "Heya!" He exclaimed. I flinched a bit at the sudden hug.

I looked behind him and saw Shuichi padding behind him. "Ah, hello Ouma-kun," I replied. "Who knew robots had such good manners? I was expecting something like 'Beep boop' or whatever." He groaned. I frowned, "Ouma-kun, leave Kiibo alone," Shuichi said, ruffling Kokichi's hair a bit.

That only made me feel worse. But it isn't a feeling that I'm used to... It's as if my gears were misplaced. Seeing Shuichi and Kokichi getting along so well...I wish I was like that with Shuichi. In a friendly way of course!!

Kokichi giggled and let go of me. Shuichi smiled and then glanced at me. "Bye-bye!" Kokichi sang, running away. That left me and Shuichi alone.

I disliked the awkward silence and wanted to break it. "So...You and Kokichi, are you guys?-" I started. Shuichi shook his head, "I think he likes someone else," He added. "I have a question. If this isn't much to ask-" I said hesitantly. "Mhm?" He replied, seeming focused.

"May you explain love to me?" I asked, looking down. Shuichi stood silently for a moment and then replied, "Ah, sure-". I looked up and he pointed at a nearby bench, "Let's talk there," He suggested.

I nodded my head. We then walked over to the bench. When I sat down I felt odd since the bench was a bit small and we were close to each other. I guess he didn't notice since I didn't see anything odd from his facial expressions... Of course uh I'm not upset about it though-.

"So...Where do I start?" He said. I sat and waited.

♡ Shuichi's POV ♡

Kiibo had just asked me what love is...I don't want to make it seem like I'm misleading him, I'm just not good with love. Of course, I know what it is...But I think it's what I feel for him... "Ah, well...Love is when you feel connected to someone. You're happy when you're near them, maybe even more." I said. Kiibo stared at me, obviously interested in what I was saying. I gulped, "You also tend to think about them a lot." "Like a friend?" Kiibo said, interrupting me. I shook my head gently.

"No, this feeling is stronger Kiibo," I said. Kiibo nodded.

⚙ Kiibo's Pov ⚙

I think...That this is what I feel for Shuichi... I gulped. "Shuichi, how do you tell somebody you love them?" Shuichi's smile seemed to fade. "Ah, well...It depends on how they feel about you!" he replied. "I'm not sure if the person I love feels the same way," I sighed. "Ask them then! If they say they don't just say it was a dare or something." I gulped and then opened my mouth to speak. Suddenly, Kokichi tackled me and exclaimed "Boo!". I yelped and fell forward. I could feel my face hit something that wasn't hard. How odd.

Kokichi got off and smiled. I got up and saw Shuichi staring at me. Holy shit. My face was on Shuichi's leg. My face heated up as I got up. "Sorry!!" He laughed a bit and smiled, "No need to apologize Kiibo! Kokichi should be the one apologizing" He said, glaring at Kokichi. Kokichi whistled, looking away. Shuichi rolled his eyes, "I'll go bring Kokichi back." He said.

I was a bit disappointed but it's not like I'm gonna ask him to stay. "Ah, may I come with you two?" I blurted out without thinking. I regretted it. I didn't want Shuichi to think I'm clingy. But, luckily Shuichi didn't seem to mind. Maybe I'm wrong but...I saw happiness in his eyes when I said that. "Of course!" He replied. I smiled and padded with them.

When we walked inside, Kaito was talking to Maki. "Momota-chan!" Kokichi exclaimed, running over to Kaito and hugging him. Kaito yelped and saw Kokichi hugging him. I smiled warmly at seeing Kaito and Kokichi squabble playfully. That left me and Shuichi watching them. I could feel Shuichi's gaze on me. I stood there anxiously trying not to make it obvious that I knew he was staring at me. "Would you like to head to the arcade?" he asked. It seemed as if he wanted to say something else too but he didn't add anything. I nodded, "Of course!" I replied jovially.

♡ Shuichi's POV ♡

Alright. I'm going to the arcade with Kiibo. No big deal. I was planning to make it a date, but I totally freaked out. I could see him walking next to me happily.

His hair bounced as he walked.

His face seemed so soft.

He was smiling a bit.

I could tell he was happy.

Everything about him was so...


I wish I had the courage to ask him out. I just don't want to lose him. It's too risky. "Shuichi?" Kiibo said, making me zone back in. I saw the entrance to the arcade in front of us, "Ah, right," I replied anxiously opening the doors.

We saw a blast of colors as we walked in. Kiibo's eyes widened as he raced over to one of the games. It was an air hockey and he pointed at it, "May we try it?" he said excitedly. I nodded, "Sure!". Kiibo was obviously happy because of my response. He bounced jovially as I grabbed the puck. The game booted up as I felt the cold air coming from the device.

We started playing back and forth. I stuck my tongue out for concentration. Somehow he already had two points ahead of me. Click clack click was all we heard for a while. "Gah!" I yelped as Kiibo hit the final point. He smiled happily, "Did I win?!" he asked. I nodded, "Good game!"

My heart squeezed, damn it just tell him. I sighed and clenched my chest. "Kiibo.." I started.


☁Saiibo Oneshots!!☁Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora