Dante:"It's nothing personal but you see it's all part of our mission. We were sent here to retrieve the founding Titan. To help Marley against the was it's facing. The founding Titan is the most powerful titan there is and it can only be used by a person with loyal blood. But there is only one person with loyal blood that I know of our chief"

Roman:"So you suspect either me or Eren of having this founder you want?"

Reiner:"Yes at first we thought Eren had the founding Titan and our plan was to take him and Ymir but while in the forest I saw it all"

Reiner turns his full attention to Roman.

Reiner:"I saw when you turned into the Warhammer titan when you fought Annie and we also saw you during the breach. At first we didn't know who it was so we didn't suspect you but now we want the Warhammer titan back. It belongs to Marley and your father stole it from us"

Roman:"So my father was a foreigner?"

Reiner:"Yes he was. He had killed many people with that titan and he escaped with it"

Reiner then starts talking to Eren and Roman stopped paying attention completely.

Roman:'Hey how did my father give me these powers again?'

Diablo:"It would be better if I showed you"

Diablo gave Roman some of his father's memories and he was about to cry.

Roman:'I-I ate my dad?!'

Diablo:"Yes you did. That is the only way to transfer the powers of a titan you need the spinal fluid most importantly"

Roman:'So all that talk about taking the titan without hurting us is just bullshit?"

Diablo:"Yes it is"

Roman calms down not wanting to alert anyone. Reiner then stops talking.

Reiner:"So Roman will you come with us and return the Warhammer titan?"

Roman:"Can I bring someone with me?"

Reiner stays silent for abit.

Reiner:"Of course you can. The same goes for you Ymir you can bring Historia"

Roman:"Well if that's the case then"

Roman stands up and he starts walking over to Reiner.

Eren:"Roman what re you doing?! Can't you see he's lying!"

Roman:"Shut up for a quick second Eren"

Roman is now face to face with Reiner. Reiner was Abit taller than him so Reiner had to look down.

Roman:"Reiner I appreciate you telling me all of this instead of just forcing us to come along and I'm sure you know what my answer is "friend"

Reiner:"Alright then. We're leaving"

Bertholdt:"But what about the plan to leave during night?"

Reiner:"We've wastes alot of time here and it would b a matter of time before they show up"

Dante:"How are you so sure there here?"

Reiner:"Look over there"

Everyone looks to where Reiner is pointing and there was a flare in the sky and it was pretty close to the forest. Reiner turns the others and he walks up to Roman.

Reiner:"Come on we're leaving and don't try to resist"

Roman:"Reiner. Buddy look at me does it look like I'm able to resist I don't even have my arms"

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