9) The Signs

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Over the past few days, the squad had been working on learning sign language. Trying, anyway. Denki could only sign, 'Eat dick!' but eh, it was a start. I had considered teaching him how to say ' I'm an idiot ' and telling him it meant something cool, but decided against wasting the time.

Most of the class knew by now, and Bakugou and I had agreed that once a week, Fridays, I'd go over to his house after school and catch him up on anything he'd missed. 

After UA let us out, I followed Bakugou back to his house in silence.

Bakugou POV

Ever since the other day when I had... suggested, that with Y/n, things had become really weird in my head.

Yeah, I was doing better with lip reading, and the classes were getting easier to deal with, and I was finding ways to talk with my friends, be it through notepads or the one who could actually sign.

Y/n was full of surprises, and I grew to not hate her presence. Like Kirishima, Y/n and I grew close. Closer than I usually let an idiot get to me. An extra.

Maybe it was the meds I had started recently to help with the anxiety, or maybe it was just that having your whole world flipped upside down changes some things in you when you see that some people really care, but for the first time ever, I had feelings that I didn't immediately push away.

They weren't like all that love at first sight or true love shit, way to extreme, just a small pang in the back of the mind, saying, "hey, she's nice, she's cool, she's pretty powerful, and she cares about you." Not that the upcoming #1 prohero was going to act on that little bit of special feelings for the girl, but her accepted that it was there.

Was he high? Maybe. Who the fuck cares.

A small feeling beating in the back of his heart, something a little bit more than friendship. Of course, it couldn't get in the way of his work, his upcoming heroship. It wouldn't.

It couldn't, anyway. If something was to blossom between the two... Bakugou Katsuki could find a way to make it all work.

He was a genius, after all.

Bakugou was snapped out of his thoughts by a slight tap on the side of his head, something Y/n had adopted to get his attention. It had started when she needed to get his attention, while also wanting to feel his hair- which she had found surprisingly soft -and had now become a habit.

Of course, Bakugou pretended to be upset by it, glaring at her, but it made him smile, just a bit, internally.

' Yes, what do you need, girl. '
' I have a name, boy. '
' I don't give a shit. '
' Obviously. Mr. I'm gonna stare at the sidewalk deep in thought and not mention it. '
' Yeah. ' He scowled playfully.
She rolled her eyes before responding.
' You look like a dog. '
' Watch what you're saying, bitch. '
' You look like one of those pomeranians. An angry one. '
' Shut the fuck up, you don't look much better. '
' So I look better, huh Bakugou? '
' No! I'm the best at everything! '
' Then explain yourself. '
' Well... maybe you're competition. '

I turn my head away so she can't see the slight red on my face.
Damn, did I just sign that? Fuck.


Damn this bitch really knows how to play with my emotions.

And I don't think he even knows how much he's doing it.

But I have to fucking admit it anyway.

...He's kinda cute.

A/n Sorry for the long wait but hey I'm still alive. Sorry, short chapter.

word count: 614

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