Chapter 96: Life will always get better

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Chapter 96

The moment Tang Lu heard Bai Su say that she might not be able to do it, her face became ugly.

J City Base sold Bai Su's high-level healing power for a high price. The people inside the base asked Bai Su for treatment and wanted to give her money. Ability users in other bases not only needed to give her money, but also benefited their entire team and base.

Otherwise, you won't even want to see Bai Su's face.

Because her powers can heal lesions on organs and bodies, it is much more special than those who can barely heal superficial wounds. In this world, no one will think that they have an extra life, and the people in other survivor bases are also very special. Don't offend her less, so Bai Suho is very beautiful.

But now, this lot clearly states 'regeneration of severed limbs', and Bai Su once refused to treat some people who eventually became disabled due to one reason or another. If the medicine this time allows them to get it, I'm afraid her good days are coming to an end!

Uniqueness is precious. If there is a substitute or even better, what else is there to do with her? Who would hold her in the palm of her hand?

Bai Su recalled that she had refused to treat some people under Tang Lu's soft-spoken request several times. At that time, she only felt that there would be no problem in rejecting some people who no longer had any potential. But thinking about it now that they are all likely to return to the top, Bai Su realized how many enemies his rejection might have potentially created for him!

If those people climbed out of the abyss...

Bai Su's face turned pale all of a sudden, she took Tang Lu's hand and said softly, "Brother Tang, I don't believe there is such a magical potion, if it really exists, how could it be possible that it wasn't released until today? I Doubt, they said they were selling potions, maybe they found another healer who wanted to fight with me..."

She remembered that there had been vague rumors that the Noah base had healers, but later she heard that the rumors were wrong. , and secondly, it is only used internally by them, and they don't care if it is not circulated in the market.

But now it seems that it is Noah who sees that they are getting rich by robbing people and resources, thinking of pushing their people out to fight with her, right?

Bai Su gritted her teeth secretly: She knew that she and Noah were enemies!

There are many people who got invitations at the same time as them.

Some of them really have this demand, and others are well-known abilities from other bases. Of course, the research institute also got this news.


Shen Cheng actually didn't expect that the game would directly drive the ducks onto the shelves and organize a grand auction of these two medicines in the base.

But the current Noah is no longer in the same state as Noah when she first started playing games. After a year of hard work by the little people, now in terms of population and living conditions, Noah is better than most of the large and medium-sized bases.

More importantly, because of the endless high-tech, the lives of the survivors in Noah's base have hope. Even ordinary people have a future in Noah.

The life away from the ground is quiet and stable, without the huge pressure of survival brought by zombies, and many people have even gained some weight with smiles on their faces.

Sooner or later, Noah's "abnormality" will be known to other survivors in the world, and blindly concealing it is not a cure. Shen Cheng didn't know how Li Weilan and the others kept a low profile and recruited people for infrastructure construction without letting those people leak their secrets, but now that she's back, maybe it's time to show her edge.

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