Chapter 88: Could it be that my cub has reached a period of rebellion?

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Chapter 88

Li Weilan had already arranged the formation.

At the top are the base guards wearing mechas and the power-type abilities wearing armor: these two groups are the core melee combat of the base, and their weapons and equipment are also the most sophisticated.

The row behind them is the soil-type ability user and the plant-type ability user, who are responsible for adding earth shields and throwing plants to make zombies slow down.

After the zombies get a little closer, there are wind-type abilities and fire-type abilities at the back, who are responsible for throwing fireballs remotely and wind-type skills to help throw them farther, and where the fire-type can't cover, there are some areas with low combat effectiveness. Ordinary people who are strong and have no mecha holding flame guns fill the gaps in the formation.

This lineup can ensure that when the zombies pass through the many barriers and rush in front of the melee combatants, their original full blood bar has been weakened to less than half blood, and the melee combat in front is supplemented with a deadly neck or head beheading knife. Basically, the fighting power of the zombies can be completely destroyed.

Finally, the first zombie crawled in from the broken hole with its eyes bulging, followed by several zombies that were obviously higher in level than it.

The first fireball hit the zombie's head, and the rotten bones swayed and fell down, but the crowd didn't have time to cheer, because the zombies behind it "crashed" and raised the iron in their hands , The joints of the whole body made a "bang ka bang ka" sound while running, and rushed up with a kind of madness that was not afraid of death and irrational.

Then there is the second one. To the extent that zombies have no brains, they will not even be half sad for the 'death' of their companions, and the next one will even step on its companion's spine and leap forward.

"Earth shield, get ready! Release!" The power user with visual evolution behind him commanded in an orderly manner. He shouted in a steady voice, but the more he could see clearly, the more fear he felt in his heart: there were so many zombies falling down from above. Can't see the edge!

How many people lived in this neighborhood?

Hundreds of thousands? Millions?

The base has made it clear to each of them in the meeting that there may be a 'leader' or a leader-level commander in the zombie group now, and its mental power coverage is the total number of zombies attacking the base today.

Before the war, some people even bet on this coverage: some bet 10,000, and those who bet 100,000 hope that this number is the upper limit, but no one dares to say that this number may be ten times their guess!

This also means that for the living people at the base, it is at least a dozen and hundreds of difficulties.

Can they handle it?

Only some people have this question in their minds.


At the rear, Li Weilan watched the battle ahead with extreme concentration.

The reason why he didn't go up in person is very simple: the battle has not yet reached the most intense time.

When he discovered the little zombie that could only be a psychic mutation and had charm skills, Li Weilan discussed with others what kind of offensive strategy the zombies would adopt.

Although he and Fu Yanzhou adopted different inference methods, they came to the same conclusion: if the zombie really had a certain 'command wisdom', even if the first few batches were aggressive, it was just a test, and The base can only leak all the hole cards from the beginning.

The paper man I raised is the boss of the end of the world (MTL)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum