Chapter 9: Cub wrote 'thank you' on the car window

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Chapter 9

Li Weilan was driving alone when he was hit in the face by Guangwu.

It was about a two-hour drive from Noah Base to Wal-Mart. Li Weilan went alone. He did not intend to directly confront the legendary mutant beast at Wal-Mart Base. A person has a small goal and high security.

Li Weilan used to be a 'human flesh transport vehicle' in the team, eating less and taking less, but in the current Noah base, he never wants to repeat the same mistakes.

If, as Xiao Chu said, there are indeed a lot of materials in Wal-Mart, he will leave a large part to the base, but there are some delicate parts that guarantee the quality of life, and he intends to sweep them into his own space first.

The person who saved him has never appeared again. Although Li Weilan is still worried about the changes in space, it is more... a prospect for autonomy.

Who knew that a weapon fell from the sky and smashed on his head, and there was no warning, not even who smashed it... It was impossible to tell at all.

Li Weilan's steering wheel, which was originally good, was directly tilted, and only a long "crunch" sound was heard, and the tires marked a long rut on the mud. , the whole car is going to run into the stinky ditch next to it.

Li Weilan made an emergency brake and stopped the car. When the long knife fell from the sky just now, the scabbard slammed into his face, causing his eyes to gleam in pain, and it took a while for him to recover.

The knife lay quietly on his lap, as quietly as... it should have been there.

This somersault knocked Li Weilan unconscious.

Even after the drastic changes in his life, ripples appeared in his eyes, which had always been calm in the face of events: Of course, five days is not a long time, but after the end of the world, the fate of mankind is disillusioned. People who are alive today may become the excrement of some mutant beast tomorrow.

The person who was rescued from the shelf suddenly disappeared for five days. Li Weilan actually thought about whether that person was dead or would never appear again.

But living in Noah's base, even just looking at this underground steel city that had just taken shape, Li Weilan knew that there was a subtle cognition somewhere in his heart; that person would definitely appear again.

This investment is too big.

Big enough to make him feel so special and so important.

And such an investment will not be easily given up.

However, now he was hit in the face by a sudden weapon, even Li Weilan, who was always calm, actually had a momentary shake in his heart: Does this person really want to invest in himself? Then why is it that it was a gesture of goodwill, but it was put in this way?

He rubbed his still aching forehead, strongly suspecting that the other party saw the temptation that he wanted him to come out, and then slapped himself in the face and told him to get out with this idea.

He drew the knife from its scabbard.

The word 'Thunder' was deeply engraved on the body of the knife, and it scurried back and forth around the extremely dark black blade like an electric dragon before disappearing into the handle he was holding.

Li Weilan's pupils shrank slightly, and he stretched out his hand near the blade. The blade was thin and sharp. As soon as his hand got close, he felt a coolness emanating from the blade. However, when his hand was close to the blade, he could still feel a slight The numb touch of being electrocuted, it is obvious that there is a relatively powerful thunder-type skill sealed within the blade, which is more consistent with the name of this blade.

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