Chapter 58: Raising cubs is the most important, everything else is empty

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Chapter 58

Shen Cheng held his cheeks and thought for a while.

It took about half a minute for her to make up her mind, but before she agreed, Shen Cheng adjusted her hair and slightly flattened her nightdress---the neckline seemed to be a little low and she was not wearing underwear, But forget it, you can't see the opposite side anyway, and to be reasonable, you can only see the face and chest on the phone screen at most.

Shen Cheng shyly rubbed her face to wake herself up: Hey, fool, wake up! Why do you feel shy to see netizens?

It's not a real video call! He's just an AI, and he's a cub you raised, how can he show such a feminine side to the cub!

You must know that if she is really with the cub, she should be very aggressive and show her mother's strength!

Shen Cheng thought about it this way, and always felt that the hand that she wanted to withdraw from her cowardly just now suddenly gained a little more strength.

She was afraid that the answering of this "video call" would be time-sensitive, so she adjusted her clothes a little, and finally clicked "yes".

Li Weilan's eyes widened at that moment.

She ordered yes!

He suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and smiled at the camera: "Orange, good evening."

It was night on her side, and it was already dark, but there was still a box of instant noodles on her table, with a kindle covering it, probably waiting for the noodles to be cooked.

Life is so simple, the walls are empty, and it doesn't even look like a girl's room. The more Li Weilan looks at it, the more his heart hurts. He thinks about it... The base and himself are simply blood-sucking worms lying on her body!

She has some money to buy herself something delicious and good to wear. Shouldn't a young girl of this age happily chat about cosmetics and buy new clothes?

She shouldn't be with game characters...

While Li Weilan spurned her not wanting her to leave, she couldn't help feeling sad and heartbroken for her.

His mentality is so contradictory, but in Shen Cheng's eyes, the one on the video side is a handsome, manly-looking mature man who can be said to have every bit of her G-spot. His eyes are focused on her. looking at her face, as if she was the most precious treasure in the world. The simple uniform worn on the body is clean and ironed, but the outline of the muscles is smooth and complete, and the broad shoulders, narrow waist and long legs can be vaguely seen.

Going further down, Shen Cheng didn't dare to look at it. Her face turned red, and even though she was looking at paper people, she always felt that... how is it that the honey juice is similar to a real person? Can current technology simulate real people to such an extent? Shen Cheng's breath was suffocated, and he didn't even dare to look up at his expression, so he also missed the surprise and smile that flashed in his eyes: Ah... It seems that she is not a cub painting today. What about the wind.

Li Weilan looked at the uniform on her body and adjusted her posture a little, trying to make her waist and back straighter, but when she met her somewhat stiff eyes and faintly flushed cheeks, Li Weilan's heart grew. But it is the joy that grows and grows: she is satisfied, so good!

It took a while for Shen Cheng to restrain her pounding heart, but she still didn't dare to look directly into his deep and charming eyes, she only whispered, "Good evening, Li Weilan." Woohoo, foul! The game is too foul, even if you want to seduce me to continue playing, keep playing, you don't need to let the cub suddenly change from the Q version to a real person!

The paper man I raised is the boss of the end of the world (MTL)Where stories live. Discover now