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I decide to go back to the Greenhouse a day early, especially after the phone call I had with Daniel over an hour ago.

As usual, the car ride takes long and by the time I arrive at the Greenhouse it's already dark.

I get a text on my Louie from Daniel.

- You back yet? We need to talk.

- Yeah, I'll meet you on one of the benches outside.

I put my Louie back into my pocket and take a seat on a nearby bench.

After a few minutes of waiting I hear soft footsteps from behind me.

Daniel takes a seat beside me, looking around to make sure it's just us.

He sighs, "I guess we need to talk."

"We both know something is going on here. Otherwise, you wouldn't have shown up," I reply.

He takes a deep breath, "so where'd you find that number?"

"There's a safe in my mom's bedroom," I explain. "But it's hidden. Your mom's number was in there."

Daniel nods, trying to take everything in. "I only happened to be near that thing when it rang. It's not a normal phone, it's some weird device I found in my mom's bag."

I cringe, imagining what would have happened if Judy picked up the phone instead. "What's she doing with it anyway?"

He shrugs, "I have no idea."

I look away, pondering. Daniel really doesn't know much about his mom. Something's going on and we're not going to find out what it is unless Daniel and I work together.

"Listen," Daniel says, as if reading my thoughts. "I've been injured for a long time. We have a game in three days. Isn't it a little much for us to handle?"

"Oh grow up," I grumble, rolling my eyes. "You need to get your priorities in order. As much as I love basketball, I think figuring out what's going on has to come first."

I stand up to leave but Daniel grabs my hand gently. "Lexi, wait. You're right. Something is going on and we have to figure out what it is."

I try to bite back a smile, "that's the spirit."

Daniel sighs, "my mom always told me that I was destined for great things in life. That I was special. Everyone in my family, friends, neighborhood- they all expect me to be this huge success. I've spent my whole life doing what everyone expects me to do and I'm sick of it."

Reluctantly, I place a reassuring hand on Daniel's shoulder. "I know a thing or two about expectations," I say, sympathetically. "It's not great. But you can't spend your whole life trying to make other people happy. You don't need to reach other people's standards in order to be great. You're already amazing."

He looks at me for a moment, then brings his hand up to hold mine. "But we have to keep this quiet. No one can know we're working together."

"Fine by me," I say, holding out my hand. "Let's shake on it."


"Lexi!" Brooke and Sophie yell happily as I enter the clubhouse. They rush forward, practically strangling me in their warm embrace.

I smile and return the hug, "hey guys."

"I thought you weren't coming back until tomorrow?" Brooke says.

I lock eyes with Daniel, who's eating cereal on the sofa. He smirks in my direction as I look back at Brooke, "I guess I just missed the Greenhouse."

"I don't blame you," Sophie says. "We're pretty cool."

Parker walks over to me, "welcome back, Lex. You ready for the game in three days?"

"Of course I am," I say confidently. "A ceiling panel won't stop me from playing."

We talk for the next hour before I decide to go to bed. I change into my pajamas and dive into my bed.

I roll over my back and stare at the ceiling, allowing my thoughts to drift.

Eventually, I close my eyes and allow myself to be embraced by sleep.

The next morning I'm sitting on the sofa with Parker and Tammy, playing video games.

"Guys," Sophie says. "It's time for our weekly house meeting."

I hand my controller to Tammy and walk over to Sophie. Everyone else remains were they are except for Alex, who joins us.

"Hello?" Sophie says louder. "It's time!"

Once again, everyone ignores her. I give Parker a questioning look but he just shrugs it off. I notice Daniel leave the clubhouse and that's when I take it as a sign to leave aswell.

"Hayley left something at home and I need to bring it to her," I explain to Sophie. "I promise I'll be back in time."

She nods, "go ahead. Take your time."

I thank her and leave the clubhouse, walking towards the old science lab.

When I enter I see Daniel sitting on the table, waiting for me.

"Hey," he says.

"Hi," I say.

I walk over to an old whiteboard and wheel it to the centre of the room. "Now we can start working."

The board is surprisingly clean but unfortunately there are no markers. Daniel hears me complain and pulls out a weird looking one from his pocket.

"Here you go," he says, holding it in front of me.

"So you just casually carry markers around with you?" I assume, taking the marker from him.

"It's not just a marker," he tilts his head, as if my joke weren't funny. "It's one of Louis' inventions. Try it out."

I pop off the lid and start writing on the whiteboard.

Investigation Dexi

"Wow," I say sarcastically. "A marker that writes? I didn't think that was possible."

He rolls his eyes, then takes the marker back. He holds it up to the whiteboard and clicks a random button at the end of it.

The writing disappears.

"I stand corrected," I say, visibly impressed.

"It's called quantum ink," Daniel explains. "They couldn't market these because each marker costs five grand but Louis gave it to me for my birthday."

"Lucky you."

"Investigation Dexi begins," he says proudly, handing me the marker.

I smile, investigation Dexi.


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