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"Did Daniel seem weird today?" Brooke asks, adjusting the pillow behind her back.

I shrug, "he's always weird."

"Well, I found something in his locker," Brooke continues, ignoring my truthful comment. "I found a bottle of Ibuprofen in his locker."

I gulp and look away uncomfortably, placing my hands in my lap.

"Maybe he's just feeling ill," Sophie says optimistically. "Don't jump to conclusions."

Brooke nods, "you're right. I should just ask him about it instead."

"I'm taking a shower," I announce loudly, jumping up from my seat. "Don't bother me unless someone dies- except for Daniel, of course."

The girls nod and continue their conversation. I walk into the locker room and get everything I needed.

As I step into the shower I feel the cool water embrace me. I run my hands through my hair, cleansing it with shampoo.

My thoughts keep drifting to Daniel and I eventually find myself smiling when remembering our peaceful encounters.

I pause. Me smiling at Daniel? I think to myself, cringing in disgust. God, I don't want to end up like Brooke.

The comforting water that once embraced me slowly dies down as I turn off the shower.

The soft towel clings to my body when I step out of the shower.

My body freezes when I notice someone standing in front of me.


"Hi Lexi," he says awkwardly, his eyes moving down my body before matching my gaze.

"So are you going to keep gawking over me or are you going to tell me what you're doing?"

"Well I just wanted to say that everybody is watching TV if you wanna join," he smiles, extending his hand.

"As much as I would love to, I have to get dressed. But I'll join you later," I return the smile, ignoring his lingering hand.

He drops his hand sadly, "oh- yeah. See you then."

I blink a few times, trying to process what just happened. Then I run to my dorm to change into one of Alex's hoodies and some shorts.

Daniel smiles and pats the empty spot next to him when I enter the main room. I notice Brooke looking between us suspiciously and decide to sit between Sophie and Parker instead.

"Sup Lex," Parker holds up his fist. I ignore Daniel's gaze and bump my fist against Parker's.

"There he is," I hear Sophie say as Alex walks through the door.

"Well?" Parker asks.

"You chickened out didn't you?" Daniel scoffs. "Let's go."

Alex sighs and clicks his tongue, holding what appears to be a Raven's Louie.

Sophie laughs and claps her hands, "I knew you could do it."

Everyone turns their head in sync and cheers at Alex.

"I apologized to Hayley," Alex says to me. "We're all good now."

I nod and punch his shoulder, causing him to wince in pain. "Don't ever treat your sister like that again or I'll kill you. And besides, where did you get that Louie from?"

"Oh you know, I stole it from some random Raven," he says. I can sense a hint of nervousness in his voice but decide to leave it off.

"So, what are you going to do to 'em?" He asks Daniel.

Little Dove | Daniel Hayward Where stories live. Discover now