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Eight Months Later

"You've spent eight months practicing and you still can't beat me?" I tease, dribbling the ball past Alex.

"I'm just letting you off easy," he says, narrowing his eyes at me as I chuck the ball through the basket.

"Whatever you say," I respond with a smirk.

"Asshole," Alex mumbles.

"Suck up," I reply.

"Stop it with the banging already," Hayley calls from her bedroom window, glaring at us.

I smile innocently and chuck the ball through the hoop one more time.

She scoffs angrily and walks away as I high five Alex.

"Round four?" He asks, picking up the ball.

"Round fourteen, actually."

"Alex I've changed my mind, keep practicing. You too, Lex," Hayley calls again.

"For the last time, I'm not going to the suck up Academy," I scoff, folding my arms.

Pain shoots through my arm as a basketball hits off it. I turn to Alex, kindly showing him my middle finger.

He smirks at me and tries to toss the ball into the hoop. Instead of landing in the hoop, it flies through Hayley's bedroom window.

"Good luck getting out of that one," I say as Alex storms into the house reluctantly.

I sit on the doorstep, patiently listening to Alex and Hayley argue. I fumble with the laces on my shoes and sigh as they bring up mom.

I can hear dad yelling at them to stop and then all goes quite. Holding my breath, I get up and step inside. Everyone is gone, presumably in their rooms.

With another sigh, I walk around the house. I open all the windows, trying to air out the tension.

My hair falls from it's loose ponytail and I take it as a sign to go to bed.

The air upstairs is even more suffocating, especially when I walk past mom and dad's room. I open the door to my room and throw myself on my bed, not even bothering to change.

My eyelids feel heavy so I close them, allowing sleep to engulf me.


"Has anybody seen my number two pencil?" Alex asks impatiently, looking through one of the kitchen cabinets. "Anybody?"

I lock eyes with Hayley from across the kitchen table and smile as she rolls her eyes.

"Lexi, have you seen my number two pencil?" He asks, bending down to look through another cabinet.

I shake my head, filling my mouth with cereal.

"Hayley, have you seen my number two pencil?" He asks again, looking through the cabinet.

"Why would you look there for it?" She smirks, her eyes glued to her phone.

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