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It has been about a week with everyone stuck as office supplies.

Error was getting increasingly frustrated with his inability to move, though the same could be said about everyone else. Ccnio was lucky enough to somehow end up as a cat. Everyone else however, not so much. Nightmare for example, much to both his annoyance and amusement was stuck as a swirling jar of ink. Reaper, becoming a coffee machine. He was especially upset with this predicament because he could not drink the coffee he made.

"This is the worst thing that has happened to me." Reaper stated, once again making an extra pot in the hopes he could sample the delicious bean water.

"There there." Stretch the bottle of coffee creamer called in a form of comfort to his break room buddy. Unlike his counterpart, he could sample the cremer that he held.

It was quickly apparent that nobody could use their magic here. Or if they could it is not enough to be notable. This made escaping much, much harder. They could all barely move let alone escape. The one exception to this being Ccnio, who may be found wandering the office they have become trapped in, freely.

Sci was already thinking of escape plans, being a computer he had full access to the internet as well. However there was one glaring problem. It is once again brought up that they could not move. Any plan that could possibly be sought up, no matter how effective it may seem, was immediately scrapped. If they can't move they can't build, if they can't build there is no escape. The lack of magic made this multitudes harder on everyone.


It's been about five months since they were all trapped in this damned office. Mobility has increased slightly, anyone who was a writing utensil could now roll around. Progress! Still there continued to be no real hope of escape. Or even just becoming their old selves. It seemed that everyone involved in this gods forsaken incident was going to be stuck this way for a long while.

Monsters in the office didn't seem to be able to hear the office supplies unless they wanted them to. Fell took full advantage of this fact and has begun to start pranking people whenever they made the poor mistake of using him as the writing material of choice. It started off simple, with Fell moving a bit as he could in monsters hands to mess up writing. Now if anyone even puts him down there is no staying on the desk, he will laugh, he will make sure the poor office workers hear him laugh.

More than one employee has been scared off and quit over the hijinx.


A year later and the office supplies have been about fully settled into their new bodies and environment. Reaper of course still sulked that he was unable to drink coffee despite the fact he made it all day. Stretch has become the office enigma, no matter how hard monsters try there was no throwing away that bottle of coffee creamer. It got to the point where the workers just started refilling him, deciding it wasn't worth it to even try and get rid of him anymore. It is still unknown how he does this and Reaper is keeping his lips, for lack of a better term, sealed. Those two are close as ever now it seems.

Sometimes people complain of a strange text being written over the top of papers they print. At one point Blue was able to catch a glimpse of this text, it seems to be wingdings. It is speculated whether or not gaster is somehow here too.

On the topic of blue, at day one he was already tired of being a stress ball. Thankfully he is very durable and hasn't popped yet, hopefully he never will. Cross has grown a bit of an ego during this time. Being the only reliable writing utensil got to his head a bit, he keeps bragging about it. Of course he isn't wrong so nobody is truly mad at him for it. Besides there is nothing else to do but talk anyway, they were in all forms of the word stationary.


Its been two years. Gerson seems to be catching on. Though it's unclear how long he may have known already. This Gerson seems to know far too much anyway, about anything going on in the office really. If something happens Gerson will find out one way or another. Its almost scary how much this old turtle knows, hopefully he hasn't caught onto the fact that the office supplies he likely knew are alive, are also from different universes. A different multiverse even. Its kind of unclear.

Fresh has seemed to take a liking to two children that visit the office sometimes. Two small humans to be exact. Frisk and Chara, so well known in every universe. They are known pranksters and fresh will give them ideas sometimes. Pretending he is just their own thoughts, the children haven't seemed to find out that it's actually the absurdly colorful drawing on the wall talking to them.

Fresh and his ideas to the children are actually the cause of quite a situation at one point. Killer and Horror. Both of them are exceptionally leaky and runny pens. Chara went and distracted Alphys who works in IT. It was then that Frisk snuck into her office and switched her fountain pen that she had with Killer, and her red pen with Horror. It took a while to clean her desk up after that mess, and to fish Killer and Horror from the trash. Fresh got quite the laugh from it. Along with a generous scolding from Ink, Dream, Nightmare, and Error who could all agree for once that it was a stupid idea. And that Horror and Killer would be lost in the trash had it not been for Ccino. Fresh just laughed harder.

"It's just a prank, bro." Fresh said, still laughing from his pinned up place on the wall.

Red and a couple of the more dirty mouthed spewed all sorts of creative curses in revenge.

"La la la la - not listening!" If Fresh could block them out, he would.

"... it's okay." Horror said, trying to stop the bickering. "i ... forgive him."

Killer snorted and said in a voice that suggested a smirk he could no longer make. "speak for yourself." He didn't sound like he meant it.


At around four years, things started to get boring. It was amazing that everyone lasted that long to begin with. At some point things stopped seeming so exciting or surprising.

Ink was especially bored, this might cause problems when everyone gets back into the multiverse. For now though, it just means everyone needs to deal with his constant complaints of, "I'm booooored, let's do something," or "Error, Error, Error, Error," continuing on as if he were the annoying orange. Ink likely watched that show. He definitely took inspiration from it as well. Unfortunately with nothing to satiate his boredom, or anyone else's at that matter, Ink was stuck being bored. Leaving everyone else nearby stuck with the consequences.

Though occasionally Sci would pull up a game from the internet like chess they could play. But there was only so much of the same games and crack videos you could watch before that, too, became boring.

Core found a way to keep up their strange omnipresence, even as a pencil. That made it easy for them to appear and disappear at the strangest of times. Core really was an enigma, if anyone knew how to get out of there it was probably them and Gaster. Core wasn't saying anything, and Gaster was but was unable to send his message properly.


Five years later something interesting finally happened. There was a new worker coming in, and at the cubicle most of the monsters turned office supplies were at. Though some were slightly scattered

On the day that the new guy arrived something was very apparent. He was a sans as well. Therefore he may be able to help get everyone out. On impulse Dream shouted,

"Hello new person! Say, do you think you could help us out of here?" A couple shot Dream a look for his bluntness, if they could anyway. They had no eyes. Yet the feeling was there.

Sans however was not faring quite the same. He was shocked if not somewhat scared of the new voice that came from nowhere.

Sitting down Sans started his work, he may as well. It helped drown out the obnoxiously yellow highlighter that was trying to get his attention.

"keep it together sans." He muttered under his breath. "day one. can't be hearing voices."

This new guy is gonna be interesting.

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