Chapter 3

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It was Kakashi. "Hey." I said before walking farther. "Stop right now!" Yelled Kakashi. I glance back. "What's wrong. I can see the pain in your face." He said. "Obito. I-I think I like Obito." I said with a sad smile. "Why don't you tell him then. I'm sure he feels the same way." Kakashi replied with. "He loves Rin. I could never compete with her. Plus we are still children in the academy. We are just 7. We haven't even had our first kiss yet. What makes you think that we're ready for romance." I replied with. "Shinobi's in this world fight in wars. Currently the 3rd shinobi war is happening and I'm sure this war will end but there will always be others. Before anyone dies, confess." He said before walking away. My heart started to beat. I guess he was right in some way.

I started to wander around and saw a hot springs. Outside of it in the bushes, I saw Jiraiya aka the pervy sage. "Excuse me but it's wrong to watch woman in the bath. If you keep this up then you'll get the name pervy sage." I said with a sigh. "Don't hit me like Tsunade does. It hurts." He said bowing on the floor. He looked a lot younger then from when Naruto met him. "I won't hit you if you teach me the resangan." I said with a smirk. He wasn't sure but after some convincing, he finally agreed.

"First we are gonna see you chakra natures. Wind, fire, water, lightning, and earth. If you get wind this paper here will split in half. If you get fire, the paper will catch on fire and turn into ash. If you get water, the paper will become damp. If you get wind, the paper will be cut in half. If you get lightning, the paper will  wrinkle and if you get earth, the paper will crumble.  Do you understand?" He asked. I nodded. "What's your name anyway?" He asked. "I'm (y/n) Senju. Why?" I asked. "No way. Y-Your Tsunade's niece?" He asked. I nodded. Basically Hashirama had another male child which had a male child. I got to keep their name. With my father dying, my step mother took over the role as my guardian but she didn't do such a good job.

As I was experimenting with the paper, it started to slash before becoming damp. After if somehow crumbled. I had 3 out of 5 chakra natures. Thanks master Hageromo. "Holy crap! I can't believe that you have 3 chakra natures. You're perfect for the resengan." He said.

As he was teaching me, I could sense a presence. I glance over to see a younger Minato. He looks to be in his late teens. "I didn't know you were teaching at such a young age. I thought you retired." Said Minato with a chuckle. I walk over and got a closer look at him. He was so much taller then me. "It's an honor to meet you sir. What's your name?" I asked even if I knew. "I'm Minato. You can just call me Mr. Minato okay?" He said. I jumped on him. "Okay Mr. Minato." I said with a smile. "Why don't you teach her with me?" Said Jiraiya. Minato nodded.

Over the next 3 months, we trained. I spent time away from the usual friends of mine. That's until I ran into him. "(Y/n)!" Yelled Obito. I was just getting lunch and I saw Obito and Rin. My heart hurt so I just ignored him. "Hey I'm talking to you. You know." Said Obito as he grabbed my shoulder. "I'm sorry but I am currently busy. You may need to set a date and time to talk." I said as I walked to my table and sat down. That's all. After I trained with Jiraiya for a couple years, it came to the time of becoming a genin. It was only making 3 clones so it wasn't hard. "Team 7 will be Kakashi Hakate, Rin Nohara, Obito Uchiha, and Finally (y/n) Senju." Said our teacher. I was alright with that. I could somehow stop Obito's death. I was smiling. Our sensei was officially Minato.
I smiled and he smiled back. "Today. You're going to grab these bells. There is only 3 of them because one of you will be going back to the academy. Good luck." Said Minato. I started to get in position and by the end of everything, we all failed. Even me with the rasengan was powerless. Minato ended up making us his team anyway considering war times which I was some what thankful.

"Your real first mission will be escorting ninjas from another village with secret plans." Said Lord Third. It wasn't that important of a mission but it would set in motion the future.

As we were running, Obito was wishing someone would attack us. Not smart. Kakashi then brought up the Yellow flash of the leaf. Before Obito had a chance to compare Minato and the white fang, I told him to be quiet. I tried to remember the traitors that betrayed their fellow villagers but to no avail. "Obito come with me. (Y/n) you're in charge of Kakahsi, Rin and the others." Said Minato as he took Obito and ran in the opposite direction. He must have sensed the enemies approaching. As we got to a bridge, a fellow ninja fell. I knew he had the script of secrets so I tried to grab him but Kakashi pulled me away. "No. Wait!" I yelled but it was to late. In the end we ended up in a field. That's when I recognized the 2 ninja who betrayed their comrades. There were 3 ninja in total so it wasn't hard. I immediately pulled out my kunai and dived it deep into the enemies gut. I then front kicked the other dude before stabbing his leg with poison. No one is fucking up this future on my watch.

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