90 // Good Samaritan

Start from the beginning

Was it possible for a person’s inside to turn to clay? That was exactly how Brianna felt at that moment, like her stomach was hollow while her organs were sculptured into one nasty ball of discomfort.

“Hello? Miss, are you still there?” The voice tore her out of her stupor.

“Uh… yes! Which hospital was she taken to? Is she badly injured?”

She did not even think to call Javier right away as she rushed around the house to gather her things, and by the time she arrived at the hospital, she had already gone through all the worst case scenarios her brain could conjure up.

“Hi!” She said breathlessly, leaning against the reception desk. “Si-Sienna Ortiz!”

The receptionist smiled at her as if she knew her. “You must be Brianna. I’m Ruth, we spoke on the phone a while ago,” she spoke cheerfully. “I’ll take you to her ward.”

Brianna’s brows drew closer as she stared at the woman, and before she could say anything, another woman who looked more like the actual receptionist arrived and Ruth walked around the desk.

As if reading Brianna’s thoughts, Ruth spoke. “I am the night nurse, my shift actually ended earlier this morning, but I had to keep an eye on the desk for my friend. Please follow me.” She gestured with her head as she led her down a long passage.

They arrived at a ward where Sienna shared the room with three other people. She was connected to an IV, but she looked… unharmed?

Brianna turned to the nurse in question. “I don’t understand, what happened here?” She asked.

“Well… Ms Ortiz fainted. She was brought in by a certain gentleman who works at the hotel she stayed in. He was right here- Oh, there he is!”

Brianna spun around, and it felt as though her breath was knocked out of her lungs when she spotted the said gentleman.

The nurse said something, but Brianna barely caught a word she said before she left.

Everything happened so fast, her head snapped in the direction of Sienna’s sleeping form and turned backed to the so-called hero, and then she marched forward and grabbed his arm, dragging him out of eyesight.

“What the hell are you doing here?” She asked in a hushed voice.

She could never forget his face even if she tried, he was like a monster in her nightmares, he reminded her of the day she came face to face with MJ Billings.

The smug look on his devilishly handsome face told her that he knew exactly what was going through her mind. “I would be disappointed if you did not remember me,” the man she had come to know as Liam Auburn, said with a proud smirk, and Brianna knew she was screwed.

“What are you doing here?” She repeated.

“Didn’t the nurse tell you?” He waved his hands in front of him, showing off the security uniform he was wearing. “I was just about to start my shift early this morning when I found Ms Ortiz over here in an empty room in the basement at the hotel, she was tied to a chair and she had passed out, so I did what any good Samaritan would do and brought her to the hospital.”

Her heart dropped to her stomach as everything began to fall into place. “You are lying.”

Liam shrugged. “I am, except, that lie is exactly what you are going to tell Sienna and Javier, or anyone else if they ask.”

“Why… why is she doing this? I thought we were on the same team.”

“We are on the same team, which is why I am going to tell you this just in case you need ammunition in the near future, seeing as that woman has been giving you a hard time already.” He nodded towards Sienna’s room. “Your sister-in-law staged her own kidnapping.”

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