Chapter V

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Miyeon smiled after seeing the bracelet; it was given by Minnie after they ate lunch earlier. She was about to go to work when the woman handed her a small paper bag, didn't say anything, and just left her.
It was their third lunch since her schedule started to fill in again; it's been a couple of weeks since the issue died down. 
She was thankful for her fans, who didn't give up on her, and for her friends and family, who advised her.
And especially Minnie, who was there to listen to her every time. The woman always visits her, cooks or buys food for her, plays games with her, and talks to her.
Miyeon wore the bracelet on her right arm. She is in the dressing room. She looked at her arm; it was a simple bracelet, and it made her smile again.
She remembered their time together, and one thing Minnie didn't do was give her advice.
When she started talking about her breakup, the woman kept her silence, but the attention she's giving is so heartwarming. 
Minnie would only listen to her, but that itself helped Miyeon a lot; she hasn't truly moved on, but gradually she will.
She took her phone and contacted Minnie. 

"Hello?" Miyeon smiled as she heard her—that cute voice of Minnie.

"Thank you; the bracelet is so beautiful." she said.

The latter didn't say anything for a while. "Did you like it?" Minnie asked after a minute.

She nodded even though she wasn't in front of her. 

"Yes, I love it." She responded and looked at her arm again.

"I'm glad." Minnie answered, and then silence filled them.

Suddenly, it was so awkward without a reason. "I have to go—" she was about to say when Minnie cut her off.

"Are you free tomorrow?" She was shocked by her question but eventually understood what she was asking.

"I'll look at my schedule, then I'll contact you." she said.

"Thank you; go now. Good luck on your launch." Minnie said, then hung up.
Miyeon looked at her phone. She stared at it for a minute, then hid it in her bag.
A staff member entered the dressing room, and she started focusing her mind on the launch of her new drama. 
When she's done dressing beautifully, the show that she and her partner will appear on starts.

She's nervous standing at the backstage waiting to be called, even when the leading man spoke to her, cheering her up. 
The nervousness she's feeling is still there after the issue she's gone through.
Miyeon looked for something that could distract her, hoping to remove her nervousness. 
She was looking around while breathing slowly to relax herself when, her hand touched the bracelet unconsciously.
She looked at it; without further reason, she was calmed now, and her nervousness was gone.
It made her smile, she just couldn't believe how Minnie can affect her easily. 

MINNIE PUSHED the elevator button that would send her to Miyeon's house. 
She looked at the gift she bought at the mall where she spent her free time earlier.
She knew that Miyeon's schedule was over since the broadcast was done, so she decided to go to her house.
When the elevator door opened, Minnie hopped out and walked straight to Miyeon's door. 
She rang the doorbell and waited for the other one to open it.
The door opened, and a large smile immediately drew on her lips, seeing Miyeon. 
It was a very boring day for her, but now she's glad. 
Miyeon is like fresh air to her.
An escape from the suffocating life she has—yes, it is! Being in the public eye is very exhausting.
Miyeon smiled at her too. 
"Hey, you came!" she said, then embraced her. 
She froze as her heart beats started raising, and she was glad she was able to hug back.
When they released each other from the embrace, Miyeon grabbed her hand and pulled her inside the house. 

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