Chapter III

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Minnie smashed the alarm clock ringing on the bedside table, and while her eyes were still half closed, she slowly sat on the bed and yawned.

She took her phone and opened it to see if she had a notification, and she's not wrong; messages from her manager, friends, and family flooded in.

Full of greetings since it's her birthday, she opens the messages one by one to thank them. She also called her mother and talked to her for a minute.

After that, she asked her manager if she had any schedules, and luckily she didn't.

It's a great day since she can celebrate her birthday.

Right! I'll enjoy my day!

She was thinking while going through the internet to look for things to do. She needs to plan quickly; she also prepares herself, takes a quick shower, and wears a simple dress.

She continued scrolling on the internet while going out of her room. She walked to the kitchen and was about to enter when a pop sound surprised her.

"Minnie-unnie! Happy Birthday!" Soyeon and Soojin shouted in unison. The two greeted, and Soyeon, who's currently holding a cake, said, "Unnie, make a wish."

She looked at the two, and they were looking at her joyfully. She closed her eyes and wished for a moment. Then she opened her eyes and blew out the candle.

She looked at the two and smiled before saying, "Thank you; you're making me cry."

Soojin laughed a little, then grabbed her hand and pulled her to the kitchen table.

"Unnie, we prepared this for you; here, eat this." Soojin said.

Soyeon guided her to sit on the chair.

"Are you going live today?" the girl also asked.

Minnie shook her head, then smiled. "I have plans for today," she said.

The two smiled too, and then they started to dig into the breakfast Soojin cooked. It was a great meal, and she enjoyed it.

After eating, she decided to go to her first stop.

Minnie took a cab to go to a pottery shop; she badly wanted to do that, but she didn't have time. Now in her day, she'll make sure to do things she wants these days.

After an hour of riding and finally arriving, Minnie didn't waste time anymore. She greeted the two people inside, then started her lesson.

It was a bit hard, but she quickly understood and did the things the teacher taught her.

She spends half of her day in the shop, and when she's done, she decides to make a route to a seaside restaurant near the shop. She also enjoyed the food there; she even had time to walk on the beach.

As she wandered to the shore, Minnie stopped when she saw a group of people a few meters away from her.

It looks like a pictorial, with setups and cameras. So she decided to go back in the restaurant's direction.

She turned around and was about to walk again when a familiar voice stopped her.

"Minnie!" the woman shouted, but she didn't face her. She remained there, wondering if she would turn around when the woman called her again.

"Kim Minnie?" The voice is closer this time. Then she felt the woman stand beside her; she didn't have a choice but to look at the woman. And she was right—it's Cho Miyeon.

What is she doing here?

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Miyeon asked her.

Minnie opened her mouth to answer, but when she saw Miyeon's clothes, she was caught off guard.

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