Start from the beginning

It was my turn to serve like Serena.

"You may be more experienced, Angelo, but you are inferior in this space. You don't even know what your own team is doing behind your back." Indignation at the implication that he was inferior at anything rumbled through his chest like a cough. He sat up, face set in stone with anger at my acerbic observation.

Oh, by I was only just getting started.

Before he would respond, I turned my attention to the man who was least expecting it.

"Nic, I know you've been trying to work that Bulgarian after you were told to leave it alone. Do you know who those orders came from?" His dark irises became seemingly smaller, as more of the whites surrounding them come into view.

I couldn't see it, but I knew his heart started beating double time.

"I know that Angelo told you to cease contact immediately a few weeks back. Do you know why he did that?" The young man was taken aback. He had used allegedly encrypted channels of communication, and was surprised I even knew about it. Not being used to challenged so directly by a woman, he leaned into his first instinct and pushed back.

"I don't. But it was a contact that took me months to get my hands on. I wasn't about to just let it go. Y'know, don't ask for permission, ask for forgiveness and all that. I find bending a few rules isn't too egregious when you get results." I scoffed at the arrogance of the young man, and he too received a thin file to review.

When he opened it, the colour drained from his face.

The same would happen to you if you too saw the picture of a man who died by radiation poisoning. It was a truly a gruesome way to go.

"That is the deceased corpse of Tsvetoslav Ivanov. The man you were trying to get hold of. He died, 48 hours ago. If you turn the page you will see a copy of his death and autopsy certificates. They're in the Cyrillic alphabet, so please pass it to Raymond, who will be able to translate for us."

The only thing that could be heard was the faint sound of paper shuffling. While the file was being passed on to its intended reader, the room was silent with anticipation. Raymond was swift in his location of the certificate and his voice was what broke the silence.

"It says here that he died by radiation poisoning. Apparently the levels found in his blood were 'astronomical'" At this point, I almost felt bad for the young man. Almost.

"Okay, so I'll ask you again. Why do you think Angelo told you to cease contact with this man?"

I gave him a little more time to compose himself and produce an answer. I wanted to hear what he had to say. So I took the time to brush my hands over my lap, ridding myself from any imaginary specks of dust. A brief glance down, brought into view the set of Chopard rings and bracelets I had on.

Van Cleef & Arpels did not make an appearance in today's stack.

He remained silent. To my chagrin.

"He asked you to leave that lead alone because the order came straight from the Don. After I provided him with advice to cease communications with the Bulgarian. You continued anyway, but as before, you were unsuccessful in reaching him. Why do you think that is?" Angelo wanted to know too, and was looking over at his Capo with increasing annoyance playing across his feature.

"Speak up, the lady asked you a fucking question Nic!" This is not good cop, bad cop.

Fighting the urge to roll my eyes, I simple motioned for him to speak with my hand.

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