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Giving you control
Jossyloki Katiwa.

Fantasy teen romance.

Only self published on wattpad by the author. If you find other websites claiming to own this novel it's infringement of rights & theft, please report the website and let me know.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictiously. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, or events is entirely confidential.

The purpose of this novel is to introduce young readers to kenyan fantasy.

To myself for not giving up.
My sisters for loving my stories.
My followers, the readers of my previous book 'Life After You' for being supportive.
You all only had positive criticism laid out, and encouraging words to say.
Thank you so much.

A little about the novel...
-uploads will be at least one chapter every weak.
-It will have at most 15 chapters.
-It's a fluffy romance.
-Fantasy genre.
-Short story.

I hope you all enjoy it.


Uploads begin this Saturday, 7th May 2020.
Stay safe till then.

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