Chapter 11.

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(Baraka's P.O.V)
"It's Saturday tomorrow, we don't have to go to school." Gloria whispers to Katana, even though it's loud enough for me to hear. I keep my face neutral and keep working as they bicker some more, not daring to get involved. I don't mind that Katana feels the need to be cautious around me, I would too if a stranger showed up claiming to know a best friend of mine.

"I'll think it through okay!" He says mid-breath, before sending me a glare and walking out of the chicken's pen.

Quack! Quack! He scares some hens with his strong stomping on his way out. They flap away.

"We're done now. I'm sorry for causing you all this trouble when you're a guest here." Gloria says apologetically. She rises to her feet and wipes her hands on her apron.

"Thanks a lot for helping out." She flashes me the kindest smile.

"No... no I don't mind at all, I don't mind helping you guys out." I say as we head out as well, finally done with the chores I think.

Ever since we got here, I've helped them clean the compound, the main house, and do some dishes and laundry, some of which I noticed were clothes for girls roughly between the ages of seven and ten. Gloria filled me in earlier, saying that their houseboy, a village lad in charge of taking care of things around here usually has most Fridays off.

Mika has two sisters, twins, who spend their afternoons with their sister each day after school, accompanied by their mom.

Gloria, "You can watch your hands by the water tank, there's a tap over there yeah..."

"Thank you."

I watch as she runs after Katana, grabbing him by the hand. He doesn't reduce his pace or turn back, only dragging her along until they take a corner around the main house and disappear out of sight. I let out a soft sigh, wipe sweat from my forehead, then head over to the tank.

After thoroughly scrubbing my hands and drying them off, I'm about to head towards the house when a soft subtle wind blows past, ruffling the leaves of a nearby tree. Its shadow bounces up and about, never quite settling even after the wind has passed.

I take in the fresh air of the countryside, walking closer towards said tree. Mika's house is rather huge and out of place, and unlike others in the neighbourhood, it mostly adopts western standards of housing. It being on a hilly place might be disappointing to a tourist looking from far away I assume.

"It's pretty here..." I can't help myself from commenting, not daring to blink as I watch setting clouds grow fiery orange with each passing second.

It will be dark soon. I still haven't had a chance to speak to them about Mika, or even hand over the letters. Each time I think an opportunity arises, a single glare from Katana has me tugging my tail between my legs and shrinking. I'm afraid I'll upset him so, and he'll chase me out of here before I have figured out how to... what am I doing?

Keep calling my name. Keep calling my name.

Baraka. Baraka.

"Baraka!" A gentle touch on my shoulder jolts me from my daydreaming. It's Gloria, holding two steaming cups of tea.

"Are you okay? I have been calling you for ages." She asks, handing me one of the cups. I immediately cup my hands around it, and the warmth seeps into my already cold hands.

Me, "Thank you."

Gloria, "It smells like flowers doesn't it." She says. The gash of wind comes in irregular intervals now and then, brushing past our clothes and making everything dance and rustle.

Giving you control.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ