-Chapter Three-

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Strumming away on my guitar I could feel my phone vibrate. I smiled when I have seen it was Jodi.
Answering it I said my usual
E: "Hey Lover, what's up."
I could hear Andy her boyfriend groan in the background like he did all the time. I laughed. I loved bugging him. I had known Jodi since we were in preschool and we both met Andy in second grade. He had the biggest crush on Jodi for years until he finally got the guts to ask her out. They have been dating for two years. Jodi was "my person" we were like the high school not smart enough to be surgeon versions of Meredith and Cristina.
J: Not too much. We are just driving around. I was thinking maybe since you have no plans
-I cut her off -
E: hey I could have plans! I am a very busy person you know. I said half shouting.

J: yeah yeah I know super busy shining your guitar picks and whatever else you do in that big house.
Anyways like I was saying. You don't have plans so we should throw a small "get together".
My eyebrow raised a bit as I let her finish with the reasons why we should throw a party.
You know that amazing house is just craving human contact with 60 of our closest friends. Seeing as you have been avoiding everything and everyone minus MOI ... and Erica. *I rolled my eyes*

E: ugh I don't know Jod... I really don't want to clean up the mess. The last time someone puked in the vase next to the front door and it took me like a week to find where the smell was coming from. I thought I was going crazy.

J: Pweaseeeeee Emmy-Bear

* I squinted my eyes a bit. Jodi was the only person who knew my secret and she actually was very protective with it and with me but she did slip every once in a while which sometimes caught me off guard.*

E: ugh okay fine.

I continued to listen about how I wouldn't regret it and that this party was so needed and that she would help clean up the mess ( which I know she wouldn't) I started to zone out during the conversation and found myself just fiddling with my guitar strings.
Emilia?? Hello, are you listening to me? For god sake, it's like you just love making me worry or something. Hello???

E: Oh shit. Yeah sorry, I'm here Jodi.

J: what caught your little eye this time? A fly or something? *she said sarcastically*

*eye rolling*
E: I will have you know that I was tuning some strings and it was a ladybug last time, not a fly dammit.

J: Mmhm *I could hear the eye roll* well I was asking if you ate yet? I know ho... * I cut her off*

E: Yes I ate.

J: oh really? What did you eat?

E: I ate a banana.

J: pfff okay well Andy and I are on our way to you. Any more bananas and you will turn into one. Get dressed we will be there in 10. Also, Erica wants to hang so bring your stuff no clue on what her plans are so be prepared I guess.

E: okay see you soon.

* we hung up and I went to change my socks into something a little less rainbow. I grabbed my guitar case and my telecaster and headed for the door. I put on my black van and headed to the front to wait for Andy and Jodi* I put my house keys and wallet in my pocket and went out the big wooden door. Locking I walked down the concrete path to the sidewalk I could hear music coming from behind me and tried to figure out where it was coming from. I could see the windows open at the neighbours I peaked a little to see some curtains moving... hmm that's strange I thought. I jumped a little when I heard a small honk behind me. I turned to see Andy's blue jeep. I smiled and shook my head and walked towards the back door and put all my stuff into the back seat before climbing in. Hey babes. Jodi said while turning around in the front seat. Hey.
What's wrong? Jodi asked in a tone that I knew meant she was worried about me.
E: Oh nothing I guess... I could hear music coming from the house next door.
Ooooh, spooky * Andy said in a chilling voice.*

I had lived in my house for 13 years and not once had I ever seen anyone live in the house next door. The most I would see was some contractors or a cleaning/gardening company but never anyone actually living in it. Shrugged and then the conversation changed to something off as we drove away.
I went on my phone and started fiddling with my phone.
So do tacos work Baybeeeeeee? Jodi said in a sing-song voice
Mmhm. I replied.
I looked out the window and listened to the low playing music in the background while Jodi just talked. I pretended to listen but my head was just somewhere else.
I kept thinking about the house next door wondering if I had a new neighbour. They say curiosity killed the cat but I couldn't help but wonder. I was intrigued.

E: I wonder if we should cancel the party... I suddenly spoke out.

J: Hmm why ?? We just agreed.

E: Well I have new neighbours what if they complain?

J: They won't complain. It will be fine babe don't worry. If they come over I'll take care of it. I mean it's not like Roger will care. He leaves you alone all the time and he knows you are a good girl.

I sigh I mean she wasn't wrong. My dad was never around. After my mom died he became really distant. I was mostly taken care of by Nannie until I was able to take care of myself. My dad spent more time in New York working while I was here in Salem. My Brother Bennett was living in LA doing his own thing and I couldn't remember the last time I had seen him. He is 9 years old than I am and the moment he was able to he was gone. My mom died when I was 3 and it really affected everyone. I don't remember much about her but the stories I did hear made me wish I had her in my life.

I sighed getting back to reality and out of my mind, I continued to half-listen to Jodi while we drove to the restaurant.

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