Still Feeling Sick.(p1)

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Taka stepped into the building, looking around at the scenery that had once been familiar. He took in the smell of the books that lined the walls of the entrance. That, at least, was still the same. He continued to walk down the hall, repeating his locker number, 502, in his head.

Once he had reached his locker, he put in the combination and twisted the knob..but it didn't open. He figured he mustve gotten the combination wrong and tried again; but the door didn't budge. He continued to re-enter the combination over and over again until finally giving up in a fit of frustration. "Why won't this thing open!" He exclaimed. He looked up and went stiff. '504...?' He thought. Looking to his side, he saw an extremely confused Leon Kuwata.

"So, can I have my locker back or are you gonna keep trying to break it?" Leon said, nudging Taka out of the way.

"I'm sorry, Kuwata! I didn't even reali-" Leon cut Taka off, quite snarkily at that.

"Obviously. I'm not in the mood for your apologies this year, so please just keep quiet when we're near eachother, will ya??" He said, opening his locker and tossing his backpack into it.

Takas looked a bit confused, but he nodded and opened his own locker, opening his backpack and organizing everything. "You know...leon..You could also make an effort to stop being so snarky, especially around your peers." He said.

Leon shook his head and walked off, turning right and disappearing.

'He cannot be that mad at me, surely!?' Taka mentally asked himself. himself. He closed his locker and headed for his first period, science.

Taka sat down, noticing nobody was there. He looked at the time. 7:45. It was still 45 minutes until first period started. Instead of leaving he took this opportunity to get ahead on his notes. He took out his notebook and started writing down what was already on the chalkboard.


The class had begun flooding with students, which had startled Taka out of his thoughts. He 'scanned' each and every persons face, familiarizing himself with them. He felt a weight being lifted off of him when he saw Mondo Owada. Mondo got into trouble a lot, but he didn't feel annoyance for his actions like he did others; he was close with Mondo, closer than he had ever been with anybody in his entire life. They used to fight every day in their first year of high-school, no matter what had happened. They were-and still somewhat are-polar opposites. But they grew to learn they had many more similarities than they had thought. In their second year of high-school, they had an endurance test, in the school sauna. They ended up talking for so long they didn't even care about the winner anymore. From then on, they had been inseparable.

Mondo noticed Taka, and sat in the seat next to him, smiling. "First period together! How lucky is that, bro?" He said, kicking his legs up onto his desk and leaning back.

"It's great we share first period, Kyodai! But could you please sit properly? You'll fall and injure yourself." Taka said, tapping Mondos legs.

Mondo rolled his eyes and put his feet down, fidgeting with his pencil. Looking at Taka and then zoning out.


By the time first period was over, Mondo was still looking at Taka. He had always been captivated by watching Taka work. The way his eyebrows would slightly furrow when he was extra focused, or the way his eyes shot from page to page as he read. The way he firmly and quickly wrote down notes, making sure everything was perfect. It was something to marvel about for Mondo.

"Kyodai! Are you even listening?" Taka asked, snapping his fingers infront of Mondos face.

Mondo jumped back a bit and shook his head. "Huh? Yea, yea of course I am." He answered, making eye contact with Taka.

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