Chapter 9: Baby Brother!

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Izuku's laughter fills the air as Hitoshi makes another petty jab at Katsuki. The three of them have grown to like this new after school ritual they do. Everyday, once school is out, Katsuki races Izuku to the front gates where they wait for Hitoshi, who refuses to run around campus. After they all meet up they normally hang around town or at the Yagi house for two to three hours. Then everyone goes their separate ways.

"Brush your hair insomniac! I don't like being seen with someone who has constant bed head." Katsuki growls.

"You're one to talk." Hitoshi rolls his eyes.

"THE HELL DID YOU SAY TO ME?!" Katsuki blows up.

"Guys." Izuku snorts at their banter. He thinks that the two of them fight like an old married couple. Of course he wouldn't say that out loud, they would totally kill him for even thinking it.

"Hey Izuku!" Tenko waves as he runs up to the school.

"Oh great, here comes crusty." Katsuki sighs. He earned a giggle out of Hitoshi for that joke.

"Shh!" Izuku laughs.

"I thought UA didn't get out until, like, way later." Hitoshi tilts his head with confusion as Tenko stops in front of them.

"We had half a day today because the school festival is on Monday. It gives us some extra prep time." Tenko smiles.

"The sports festival was a while ago!" Katsuki grumbles.

"Not the sports festival, this is just a normal school festival. My dad takes us every year. You guys should totally come! It's always a lot of fun, they go all out." Izuku grins.

"Yeah, sounds great. I'll see if I can." Hitoshi nods.

"Whatever." Katsuki shrugs.

"We'll get going. Come on Izuku, let's walk together!" Tenko reaches out for Izuku.

"Oh... okay." Izuku looks back at his friends.

"I guess we'll see you tomorrow." Hitoshi frowns as Izuku walks away with his brother.

Tenko and Izuku turn around the corner of the school and start to walk back towards the house. The walk isn't too long but in Izuku's own words, Tenko has never been quick to get anywhere in his entire life. And while the statement is harsh, it holds plenty of truth. His home room teacher says he's great at everything, but should try doing these things a little faster.

So as Izuku trudges along his peaceful brother, he starts to wonder why Tenko went out of his way to come get him. He knows that his older brother would prefer to be playing video games on his day off.

"Is there something you wanted to talk about?" Izuku asks innocently, not trying to cause any suspicion with his brother.

"No. Just wanna walk with you." Tenko hums.


"How's school? I hear that bullying isn't nearly as bad as it used to be." Tenko looks over to his short brother and gives a friendly smile.

"Yeah, school's fine. I guess now that my quirk finally came in, I'm not worth bullying anymore. They don't have much to use against me. Plus, they don't really want to get caught fighting the kid with the strength quirk." Izuku laughs.

"Neither would I! I mean have you seen how strong you are? That's a pretty great power. Have you been training a lot?"

"Mhm... Gran Torino has been keeping me busy. It can be a lot sometimes but it's nice." Izuku notes how quickly Tenko changed the subject.

Tenko isn't the sort of person that comes right out and says what's on his mind. While he can be like that sometimes, he normally likes to ease into the situation to make sure he doesn't make anyone upset. Izuku's gotten pretty good at telling when his brother is stalling. It only takes a few interactions for him to figure out when something is eating at Tenko. And it's clear to him that right now his older brother really wants to talk about something important.

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