Chapter 7: Uncle On The Scene!

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Gran Torino lands a sharp kick to Izuku's side and falls over in pain, marking the end of yet another match. So far Gran has beaten Izuku all 17 times they've sparred today.

This is the second full week of Izuku only training with Gran Torino, and they've seen little to no progress in his quirk. He still can't get to 50% without hurting himself. It's starting to upset Gran. He did a fine job training Toshinori! Izuku should've been a piece of cake. It doesn't help that they've had to do indoor training because of all the rain they've had in the area.

"Get up, we'll take a break." Gran grumbles.

"Th-thank you." Izuku mumbles.

"Are you holding your powers back on purpose? I'm just letting you know that doing that won't make me want to send you back to training with your father!"

"No Gran! Honestly, I'm just having trouble... it's like the quirk still isn't mine yet and I'm having problems controlling it."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get it. We just have to work even harder." Gran sighs.

With that, the two restarted their training. This time Torino just wanted Izuku to try to hold the quirk for a minute. Not hitting or running, just standing still with a small amount activated. Izuku seemed to struggle with this even more than he did fighting. One for All only came to him in small and random amounts, typically for only five to ten seconds. Izuku and Gran tried to train more with this technique but after two hours it was already dark outside and Izuku couldn't concentrate enough to stand up straight.

So Gran sent him back home.

"What am I going to do with this kid?" Gran Torino sighs.

'It's clear he has been putting in the work, so why isn't he improving?'

Gran quickly throws a ramen cup into his microwave for dinner, and with plenty on his mind he sits down at the kitchen table pondering why he hasn't been able to help Izuku. He goes over everything they've tried and he attempts to make sense of any reason why he might be coming up short, but nothing stands out. It seems like Izuku is just struggling in general.

As he stood up to retrieve his dinner, Gran noticed a crumpled piece of paper lying on the counter. When folded open it read out with Mirai's phone number and a note.

For your new phone! Just in case you need anything.
-Sir Nighteye

"Need anything huh? I might have the teaching experience but Mirai is a natural born problem solver. If I ask him to step in for me just once then he can analyze what's going wrong with our training." Gran smiles and puts the number into his pocket.

"Looks like I'll have a phone call to make."

The following afternoon, once Izuku had returned home from school, Mirai and Torino marched into the Yagi house with a mission.

"Gran Torino? But I thought you weren't training with me today!" Izuku stumbles out of the kitchen.

"I'm not training you today, he is. I think his quirk might be able to help us find the most effective training style, so you'll do whatever Mirai tells you to." Gran shouts like a drill sergeant as he points at Mirai, who seems happy to be here.

"Alright, if you say so." Izuku nods.

"Good, let's head out back so you can show me what you can do." Mirai smiles.

Mirai follows Izuku outside and he watches the teen throw a few hits. Gran has got him to be stable at 30%, meaning he doesn't hurt himself and he can hold the power for about 30 seconds straight. However, anytime Izuku tries to go over that limit, he loses complete control. Mirai witnesses this when he attempts to use just 40%, merely ten over his limit and yet Izuku could hardly stand properly without the power fizzling out.

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