Chapter 4: User Error!

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Hitoshi, Shoto, Izuku, and Katsuki run up the sidewalk to get to the Yagi house. They've made it a bit of a competition, everyday they try to get there first. Right now Katsuki is in the lead, using his quirk to propel himself forward. After him is Shoto who's been training for fast speeds his whole life, then Izuku is directly behind him, using his quirk to increase speed by a very little amount. Finally Hitoshi, who hates running with every fiber of his being. He still runs though, but he's slower than normal.

He's got a lot on his mind. After learning who his mother really was he started to hate his father even more, something that he didn't thing was possible. Yet here he is. He's been doing extra training lately, Hitoshi want to help his mother once she's out of prison. It makes sense to him that a hero would be of the most aid. He visits her on Thursdays, always bring whatever he can.

"HAHA! I win!" Katsuki roars as he come to a stop on the porch.

"Nice one Kacchan!" Izuku grins.

"I'm catching up though." Shoto pants.

"In your dreams Icy-Hot!" Katsuki yells. He and Izuku's other friends still don't get along the best, but there is some growth.

"I can tell that all of us are getting way faster." Izuku drinks from his water bottle and sits down on the porch.

"I'm going to head out now." Hitoshi wipes his forehead.

"Already? Alright, tell your mom that we say hi!" Izuku smiles.

"I do not say hi." Katsuki grumbles.

"Okay, Shoto and Izu say hi but Bakugou doesn't. Got it." Hitoshi hums.

"Be safe, bye." Shoto waves.

"Bye." Hitoshi nods and starts to walk back down the hill.

"Now what?" Shoto asks.

"We can do some training in my backyard." Izuku stands up and opens the door, letting everyone inside.

"I'll kick your asses!" Katsuki laughs.

"Not my ass." Shoto frowns.

"Right let's do it!" Izuku cheers.

The three boys walk through the house and into the backyard. They race one another through the woods and Izuku is sure to show of his favorite rock when they pass it. After a few laps Katsuki and Izuku start racing each other up trees. Shoto had more sense than climb up there, he tried to warn the other two about the dangers but Katsuki never listens and Izuku is an optimist. So Izuku was very shocked when he fell backwards out of a pine tree.

"Oh my god, you ate shit up there!" Katsuki cackles as he looks at Izuku's limp body laying in the grass.

"Are you dead Izuku? I tried to warn you." Shoto murmurs next to Izuku.

"I'm fine." Izuku's mumbles are muffled by the ground but he rises with a bruise on his chin.

"Look what you've done to your face!" Shoto gasps.

"Pfft, you bruise like an old person." Katsuki snickers.

"Okay, insulting me isn't very helpful. Also I'm perfectly fine!" Izuku smiles, which cause blood to leak from his lip.

"That is not perfectly fine." Katsuki points.

"We need to take you inside. Get you a bandage and an ice pack." Shoto holds Izuku up.

"Alright..." Izuku sighs as he's dragged back inside. Katsuki grabs disinfectant and bandages while Shoto makes an ice pack for a Izuku.

"Sorry that I totally ruined everything." Izuku wipes his chin with the disinfectant.

Yagi Izuku- More Than a QuirkOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz