Fourteen「 Your Mercy, My Liege 」

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Music: 「My Inner Demons」by Dios

The world shifted back into order in seconds once Cyrus and Mindy returned to Spear Pillar, still locked in their embrace. A white light engulfed Mindy and her right leg regenerated, as if she was an Octillery. It was a gift from Arceus for completing her task. Around them, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Charon were kowtowing to Arceus, eyes closed, heads hung low, limbs trembling and rooted to the tiles. Around Spear Pillar, Sinnoh, as with the rest of the world, was free of the Distortion World, albeit with a few scars serving as reminder of the event - fallen trees, near-dry water bodies, soiled buildings. While they were away facing Judgment, Cynthia and Carolina witnessed the taming of the Creation Trio by the Lake Guardians as they created the Red Chain and bound them back to reason. Giratina headed back to the Distortion World after an apology to Arceus, Dialga, Palkia and the world at large. Dialga and Palkia expressed similar sentiments with their roars before returning to the space-time continuum. The trio held their mantles and served their duties once again, overseeing the world while governing space, time and antimatter, an undisturbed harmony as if Cyrus had never gotten to them.

As for Cyrus, he backed away the moment he noticed the change in surroundings, the first drop of tears ruining his composure. He let go of Mindy and joined his fray in repentance under Arceus's unwavering gaze. Mindy hobbled over to Cynthia and Carolina, then glanced at the Lake Trio who gave her a knowing look.

"It appears you have found internal validation," Uxie mumbled. "Self-worth."

Mindy bit her lip, but did not protest otherwise.

"Where's Shaymin?" she asked instead and learnt the Gratitude Pokémon was back in Flower Paradise. "And about the Trader business..."

"You don't have to Trade anymore," said Azelf. "You are self-sufficient, as is."

"I don't have to prove myself to anyone anymore, you mean."

"You never had to," Mesprit hummed. "Before we go, we want you to have this."

Mesprit placed in her palm an SD card.

"Whenever you doubt yourself," said Azelf.

"Or forget yourself," said Uxie.

"Or hurt yourself," said Mesprit, "remember we are here for you. And remember this bit of technology. It will help you."

It contained her journey as a Trader, from start to end.

Mindy nodded.

"Goodbye, Mindy," the Lake Trio said in unison. "Take heart."

A squawk from the sky compelled her to look up and see Rasu wave a wing at the Lake Trio who parted and flew back to their respective lakes. The Honchkrow landed on Mindy's shoulder and nuzzled against her neck.

Mindy thanked Cynthia and Carolina who gave her words of encouragement and affirmation as well as a tight hug. They beamed.

"Team Galactic," boomed Arceus, causing them to snap their heads at the bunch, "under Cyrus's lead, you will gather every member, former and existing, and make amends with Sinnoh and the world. Sincerely."

Arceus vanished in an instant, leaving them in buckets of sweat.

"You should go," said Cynthia to Mindy. "You have someplace else to be, from the look you're giving me."


"We'll handle them."

Mindy nodded and left Spear Pillar with Rasu. Etched in her mind was Cyrus staring at the Pokémon League. She figured she would go there. The Pokémon League was the last place Kōki was seen and his belongings were still there, as proven by the Lake Trio. To receive the closure she sought, she must check the Champion's Chamber out.

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