Five 「 Your Blood, My Blood 」

17 4 0

Music: 「Spice」by SCANDAL

That old man didn't judge me, Mindy thought as she entered Galaxy Mall, tearing her gaze away from the blue and yellow exterior to the galactic wallpaper skilfully spray-painted by the teens of Eterna. The thought occupied her more than the various items on display, her eyes flitting across the storefronts, her figure lingering, sometimes with a finger on her lower lip, sometimes with a lock of hair twirled round the same finger, sometimes with her hands on her breasts, and in this multitude of expressions she conveyed how successful of a mannequin she would've been had she the opportunity to be one, how glaring the public eye was she must do something to remind herself she's human, however much she was objectified and criticised, and if being human meant turning into a happiness machine, a reaction machine, she would do it for the sake of keeping up appearances.

Mesprit begged to differ. Capitalism made humans happiness machines, more psychology trick than natural instinct. Happiness was something you can only see when you want to, zie opined, it's always there.

Azelf snorted at Mindy's farce, deeming it as an expression of low self-esteem and lack of willpower instead. Zie conveyed that she was giving into the pressure, not going against it.

Uxie simply said the more the mind avoided what it abhorred and beat around the bush, the more the bush grew to capture it.

Mindy scowled and typed, will you stop getting into my head?

They sighed in unison.

Mesprit glanced across the stores and pointed to one leaning against a beige wall. "There's a café! Let's eat!"

Secret Room Café seemed average on the outside, and however much the menu was embellished with fancy words for food and drinks with marked-up prices, Mindy couldn't shake off the feeling that they were better off eating street food that, while oily, was most likely wallet-friendly and beyond tasty. She was right. The girl serving her gave her a bunch of leftovers and stale bread that was a far cry from what she expected a stack of soufflés to look like. Of course, royal treatment was given to the Lake Guardians, with hot coffees that bore their images in foam and cream on the surface. Mindy had scalding hot water instead.

"Ohmi! She's scraping the bread crumbs!" The girl giggled as she streamed Mindy's meal online. While most of the comments were the typical spiteful ones, a few stood out in their coarse expression of envy and polite idolatry of the legendary Pokémon. "She can't talk! Sasha was right! Thank you for the comments! Like! Share! Keep 'em coming and slay!"

"Should we do something about her?" Mesprit nudged Mindy and placed a piece of cheesecake on her plate before glancing over zir shoulder at the girl posing and replying to comments.

Mindy shook her head and rested her back against the wall. They had chosen a table in the corner to avoid such unnecessary attention, but alas, there was no one as infamous as Mindy and no Pokémon as famous as those of myths and legends.

Not that they could do anything in particular to begin with, not when Mindy gradually sunk into the wall and the Trio, for the love of their lives, could not hold her back and fell in together with her. Their surroundings went from passive-aggressive quaintness to dull vacuum. All sounds were lost to the mechanical hum of electrical appliances: a lawn mower, a rotary fan, a microwave oven, a washing machine and a refrigerator, all lined up in a straight row, each separated by a pristine white tile. A table identical to the one they sat at in the café stuck to the wall, the stack of papers on it yellowing and damp.

where are we

Uxie scoffed at zir surroundings. Upon noticing that the appliances took turns to bear eyes, zie knew at once what they were up against.

Mindy | Pokémon FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora