One 「 Your Pain, My Trial 」

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Mindy opened her eyes to pain. No, it wasn't due to the hard floor. Still, there was pain.

Pain was a trio of Legendary Pokémon, the Lake Guardians of Sinnoh, bearers of knowledge, emotion and willpower, who broke her door down with a psychic flash, leaving it as unhinged as she was the day her life as an outcast began, leaving the windows, wretched as they were under the pelting snow, to be the only gateway to her home. Pain was realising her alarm clock broke because Mesprit accidentally sat on it. Pain was going to the bathroom, only to find Azelf applying her last tube of toothpaste on zir face like a clay mask. Pain was finding her heater switched off because Uxie wasn't accustomed to high temperatures.

Mindy scowled as she got up and did some light stretching. In her peripheral vision, the last of their white bodies vanished behind a wall. She exhaled and cracked her neck before meandering towards her bed. She didn't dream last night, her muscles were sore, and to exacerbate things, she found Uxie tossing and turning on her bed while Azelf and Mesprit fought using her pillow and blanket respectively.


They hiccuped simultaneously and faced her.

Mindy wrapped her arms around herself. A bead of cold sweat dripped from her chin. Her shivering legs gave way and she fell onto her knees, her forehead hitting the floor, her head shielding her from the Pokémon's sharp gazes. "You're here to erase my memories, aren't you? And confiscate my feelings and willpower?" She pressed her forehead harder against the floor, hard enough she felt a red mark would scorch her skin, a proof of sincerity that would hopefully make them rescind their decision. "You must want my house too. Take it."

Azelf squeaked. Uxie looked between zir fellow guardians. Mesprit pinched her ear. As she raised her head to reveal burning eyes, she stifled her scream.

"We have her attention," Mesprit said through telepathy, hovering back to form a line with the other two guardians. As it seemed, telepathy was the way they communicated with one another and any other species.

Uxie inched closer to Mindy and cleared zir throat. "We, the Lake Guardians, have come to visit you in your humble abode upon receiving word of your apology. Are you sincere?"

Mindy searched their eyes for a morsel of mercy, finding instead a dry tear in Mesprit, a blank stare from Azelf and an unflinching gaze by Uxie. Judgment was at once present and absent, drifting in and out of the atmosphere like her curtains under the snowy currents. Quivering, she ended the staring contest with a slight nod of her head, a gesture that failed to convince even herself.

Uxie tsked. "Why did you apologise? No, why did you take so long to apologise?"

The maws of judgment clamped her skull. A short-lived paralysis roaring at her synapses rendered her being immobile, chased away what little courage she had scooped with her clammy hands and left her keeling over among bitter thoughts like garden weeds, patches of 'what if's and 'what could've been's emerging and towering over her. She deemed herself a weed. Weeds meant nuisance, incursion, destruction. Mindy was, at this moment, a nuisance, an incursion, a being of destruction.

Hence, she merely hung her head low. A gesture of remorse ought to be sincere enough. But her heart itched. She didn't want to be a weed, even if she bent over and leant forward now, waiting for a sickle's healing touch. No, it didn't feel right, nor did it feel any wrong, to be quiet. A desire needed volumes to fan its own flames.

I must incinerate myself if it means becoming accepted again. The thought slipped into her mind, accompanied by an image of her bound to a burning stake, her buckets of sweat inspiring the heat, her skin melting into a buttery heap, dripping like wax. A heated and dark process, warranting the type combination of an Incineroar, master of desire, lust and power.

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