Chapter 17: I got your back

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Michael stood outside the prison, waiting. They had been to multiple villages and talked outside of the hotel for a while. The rumors flew instantly. The Undead Shadow was turning himself in. He felt nervous. Confronting the man who destroyed your family is never an easy task, but at least he had Phil and Technoblade with him. They were currently hiding, but they were there. Their presence made him feel safe for some reason. He couldn't explain the feeling. It was warm and nice. Something that he had never felt before and if he did, it was so long ago that he didn't remember.

"So you've finally come your senses. You've decided to pay for your crimes." Michael hears someone say. He turns around quickly, sword in hand, to see Sam standing behind him. He looked tired and run down. Maybe he has been drinking? It's hard to tell.

Michael glared at the monster before him. "Why are you so obsessed with me paying for my crimes when you refuse to acknowledge yours?"

"I did it for the good of everyone! Your father was helping Dream, Michael!" Sam tried to reason.

"You're lying. He wouldn't help him." Michael said angrily.

"I'm not lying Michael." Sam walked closer to him. Michael was thrown off. It's not possible. His papa... he was the best person that Michael knew. He didn't have the ability to be a bad person. Sam placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry that you had to find out from me. I thought Phil and Technoblade would have told you. They were his closest friends after all. Surely they knew what a monster he was."

That was it. Michael was done listening to this. He reached for his sword, but it was too late. Sam was too close. He had a knife ready in his hand that he put to Michael's throat. "Don't you dare." Sam whispered in his ear. "You can't run. You can't hide. You're alone just like you have always been and it's time. It's finally time to finish what I started and rid the world of another murderer. Any last words?"

Sam pressed the knife further into Michael's neck, his blood running down the side of the blade. Michael closed his eyes, accepting his fate. He didn't think this is the way it would've ended. Sam managed to take away everything from Michael. His home, his family and now, his life. He just wished he could have thanked Philza and Technoblade one last time. They were so important to him. More important than they could ever realize. They gave him everything that he lost in the first place.
A home...
A family...
His life...

He heard a crash and the clattering of the knife on the ground. He opened his eyes to see none other than Philza Minecraft holding a guitar, Technoblade pointing a sword at Sam's throat and the knife at his feet. There's so many things that Michael wanted to say, thank you for having my back, you saved my life, I love you both... But he managed to say the only thing that he could in that moment, "you hit him with a guitar? Where the hell did you get a guitar?" He picked up the knife and walked over to his friends... His family.

"Don't worry about it mate, I got your back." Philza put his hand on Michael's shoulder. Words didn't have to be exchanged between the two for Michael to know that Philza was glad he was alive.

Sam glared at Technoblade, blood covering the side of his head where Michael assumed Philza hit him. He quickly glanced over to Michael who was now standing with two war gods at his side and was now the one holding the knife.

Technoblade removed his blade from Sam's neck. There was no where for him to go. He had no allies coming to his side because all of his friends were made into enemies. Sam was truly alone. Michael took a step towards Sam. Sam didn't seem scared. He seemed angry, smug even. "Your reputation precedes you, Undead Shadow. You're just a coward who hides until people are at their weakest, which is when you become the murderer that you have always been. I should've killed you when I had the chance." Sam spat.

Michael had his hand on his sword, ready to draw it. Sam was wrong. Michael isn't a murderer. He isn't a coward. He's just a kid who got dealt a bad hand. Michael refused to believe his words.

Kill him!
Sam is gonna die! CRAB RAVE
The voices yelled at him.

Sam needs to be off of the streets, he's dangerous, that much is true. But Michael spending his entire life planning his revenge isn't what his papa would've wanted. He needed to do this for the right reasons.

He took his hand off of the sword and took a deep breath. He felt free for the first time. "You know? You're not even worth it. You're a shell of a man. A murderer who has justified his own actions. You're nothing, Sam and you don't deserve the title that you gave yourself." Michael turns to walk away from Sam knowing that Philza and Technoblade will deal with him properly. They're the experts. They have been dealing with control freaks for years.

Sam takes a knife that he hid in his boot and throws it at Michael. Technoblade tries to stop it but it's too late, he missed. Philza yells for Michael to move. Michael turns around and sees a blade flying towards him.

At least it'll end with him finally feeling at peace.........

The sound of screams filled the air, followed by silence.

This is NOT the end of the book. Our story isn't over quite yet :)

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