Chapter 1: Adopted

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Michael watched as his mother and father stood trial. He lived in a community of piglins. He couldn't understand what was going on because he didn't understand English very well. Only a little. "You showed the mortals mercy?! Why?! Refusing to kill for your country is treason!" The judge yelled.

"Sir you don't understand! It was a child! Just a lost child, surely you understand that as parents, we can't kill an innocent young boy. Please I'm begging you, spare us. It will not happen again!" His mother pleaded as hundreds of piglins stared at the small family. Michael dug his face further into his mother's shirt as his father held both of them close.

"You're right. It won't happen again. I sentence this family to death! For treason!"

"No! Please! Let them go free! Take me. Kill me but let them fre e!" His father begs, but it's too late the judge has made up his mind.

The judge looks Michael's mother up and down. "You are not worth salvaging. Seize them!" Guards run towards them with their swords up and crossbows drawn.

His father throws down a potion that creates a cloud of smoke. "Run! I'll hold them off!" Those were the last words he heard his father say.

Michael's mother ran as the piglins chased them. At almost 3 years old he was being hunted. Discarded from the place he called home for his whole life. Michael felt the tears start to roll down his cheeks as he heard the agonizing screams of a familiar voice in the distance.

His mother turned a corner and stopped to catch her breath. They both heard the footsteps getting closer. It would be long. She looked back quickly then looked back to her son. She grabbed a pickaxe and quickly got as much netherrack as she could. She put Michael in a hole in the wall. "I love you Michael. And I'm sorry." She kissed him on the head and she covered the hole quickly. Michael oinked in protest but it was too late. She was gone.

Michael hit his fists against the wall for what felt like hours. Maybe it was. Finally they broke. He jumped out if the hole to see nothing. Nothing but footprints scattering the ground. Michael oinked softly hoping she would hear, but there was no response. He was alone and it was clear that his old home didn't want him. He had no one and no where to go. He decided to wait. Maybe she'd come back. Please let her come back for him. He went back to where she left him to wait.

Minutes turned into hours and hours turned into days. He was thirsty, hungry and tired. Most of all he was sad and angry. She didn't come back...

"Ranboo stop messing around! If you push me in the lava I will stab you!"

"You wouldn't! You love me."

"Sadly that's true."

Michael heard the talking and laughing. Maybe they had food. He weakly crawled out of the hole and looked in the direction of the voices. Humans... He knew that humans were bad and he wasn't supposed to go near them so he decided to try to go back in the hole, but he slipped. Michael oinked in pain as he heard footsteps coming towards him. This was it he thought to himself, this is the day that I die.

"Tubbo what are you doing?

"Shh! I thought I heard something over here."

"Tubbo lets go! There's nothing over here- What is that?"

"It's- a baby? He's all alone and he looks really hungry. Hey little guy." Tubbo said as softly as possible, "what's your name?" It was one of the few things Michael knew in English, his name. Michael grabbed a stick and spelled his name in the netherrack.

"Michael, hey?" Ranboo, the taller one asked. Michael nodded in response. "Are you hungry Michael?" Michael nodded in response again to the word hungry.

"We don't have anything with us but we can take you back to our house and give you something." The shorter one said. Michael didn't move. He didn't understand.

"Here come on." Michael felt the taller one pick him up. He was going to resist but he was far too weak. It also felt nice to be held and he didn't want it to end.


Michael slept the entire way back into the stranger's house. When he woke up he realized he was on a soft bed. Probably the softest best he had ever slept on. It was hard for him back home. There's only violence and anger, never peace and warmth. He sat up to see a double bed that he was laying on that had white blankets. He looked to the side to see the two strangers from before talking, smiling and laughing. Something he didn't get to see often. Not from where he was from.

The only time he felt at peace was when it was just him and his family. But that's not possible anymore. It never will be again.

"He's up. Hiii Michael. How was your sleep?" The taller asked. Michael just stared. Neither one of them made sound for a little. "Food?" Ranboo held out a sandwich for the boy. Michael cautiously took it and looked at both the men. They both nodded reassuringly and he quickly gobbled it down, feeling satiated for the first time in he didn't know how long. Ranboo proceeded to hand him some water which he drank very quickly. Michael oinked at them in gratitude.

The two men quickly looked at each other. "He doesn't know English does he?" Tubbo asked sitting beside Michael.

"I don't think so. I guess it makes sense. He's just a baby he wouldn't know more than one language." Ranboo tilted his head while looking at the child. "You have home?" Michael may not know much English but he understood the word 'home'. He couldn't help it when he started to tear up knowing that his was ripped from him.

"Hey hey.... It's okay. It's okay buddy." Tubbo instinctively hugged Michael close to him. Michael grabbed onto his shirt and burried his face in it. "What do we do Ranboo?"

Ranboo sighed and shrugged. "Hey Michael?" Michael looked up at the sound of his name. "Do you want to stay?" Michael just stared at him. Ranboo thought for a second. Then he pointed to the bed and to Tubbo and to himself and then he gestured to the house. "Home?"

Michael tilted his head slightly before nodding and giving a quick oink. This could be good for Michael. To finally be away from all of the pain and violence that he's lived with his whole life.

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